Part 2

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      In two days Michiru and Shirou were starting they're mission. After they visited Mayor Rose's office they got to home since it was getting dark and Animacity in night isn't a safe place.

When the sun goes down often some beasts of the lower category are meeting up and setting a black market in hope that they'll make money out of selling illegal things. It is a kind of a Mafia , if you don't have the right conections you can't track them and put they're bussines down. It is the main reason why organizations like that still existed. Even Mayor Rose couldn't do anything because every member of the coult was anonymus , so even if someone heard they're conversation, they couldn't recognize the person and in result there was no way to capture them.

When they got home they got greeted by Melissa and Gem and soon later they got to they're beds since it was already past midnight and they were really tired. The visit in Mayor Rose's office took them more time than expected.

It took time for Michiru to fall asleep, she was never a good at sleeping, it was a problem since she was a kid. In exchange she was thinking. You may ask "what was she thinking about?" Of course about the mission. What if something went wrong? What if they dont find any informations and return with empty hands? Maybe these questions seemed ridiculus but in Michiru's head they seemed real and in the same time scary. She didn't want to dissapoing anyone, she already dissapointed her parents when she texted them saying that she wanted to stay in Animacity as a beast. Her mother, the sweet person she was, was very supportive, but her father.... Let's say that he didn't support the idea of his daughter staying in o city of "mutants" as he called them. After that incident Michiru refused to talk to her father , which led to cutting communication with her mother too. That was the saddest part, but everything has a price. Unfortunately.

In the morning they started packing they're things, such as clothes and some personal belongings. Nothing much to say, those two days passed really quickly and nothing interesting happened.

In the day they were about to start the mission, they got under the statue of Peace and were waiting for Mayor Rose. The statue of Peace was a big statue in the middle of Animacity. It was made out of glass and had the shape of the Silver Wolf, who was like a god to the citizens of Animacity. The legend said that when a beast was in trouble and needed help , the Silver Wolf would show up. Even if nobody ever saw him, the thought of him being real was keeping they're hopes up and was making them believe that they're not alone, that someone was watching over them. There was a time when Michiru's friend , Nazuna, was pretending to be the Silver Wolf. Everything was fine until the population learned that Nazuna was, in fact, a human. When the beasts learned that they had been lied to, the Nyrvasil Syndrome took over nearly every beast and the whole city got destroyed. Fortunately a vaccine was made out of Michiru's and Nazuna's blood and everything went back to normal. You propably think that Nazuna's career got destroyed and that she got rejected. Nothing more wrong. Nazuna got popular and became a star in Animacity. Eventually after all those years of trying and dreaming , her dream came true.

Mayor Rose finally came.

-"Good morning, are you ready? Do you have any questions?"

-"Actually, I have one" said Shirou.

-"Go on then"

-"Your informations had been unclear, where is Clara's house?"

-"Oh, I haven't told you? Sorry, my bad. Clara's house is in Tokyo, my friend Greg is going to drive you there".

The moment those words escaped Mayor Rose's mouth, a loud pop music was heard and a blue Corsa stopped beside them with Greg in it.

Greg was a young man, around his 30s. His hair was short and brown which matched to his eyes of the same color. His cheekbones were sharp which made him only more attractive. He was wearing a pair of normal blue jeans and a turquoise shirt , clothes that matched perfectly to his limestone skin.

-"Aye Mayor Rose! How are you?" Shouted Greg enthusiastycally, trying to sound louder than the music.

-"Im fine, thank you, could you please turn down the music ". She responded calmly.

Greg turned down the music and then looked at Shirou and Michiru.

-"These are the two kids you were talking about?"

Okay, now Shirou and Michiru were pissed off,  but they tried to remain calm. They could be anything but not kids "kids".

-"Yes, this is Shirou" she pointed at Shirou "and this is Michiru" she pointed at Michiru "as I told you before ,you're taking them to Tokyo, to Clara's house. Now go, you don't have much time". She said like in a rush. It was understandable, Mayor Rose is the head of Animacity and she can't spend the whole day talking to Greg. She propably has a lot of work.

-"Okay kids, get in" he opened the door.

They got in and five minutes later they were already driving. According to the statistics they should be in Tokyo in 5 hours. The fact that they had to be with Greg made it even worse. This is going to be a long ride.

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