Part 12

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Day 3.

Three days passed since Michiru went to the hospital and was put to technical coma and now Shirou and Kaito were heading to the hospital again. Shirou was getting even more anxious each day and he kept blaming himself for Michiru's current state.

-"I don't understand, where the hell is he?"Kaito murmured to himself, looking down his phone, while he was walking along side Shirou in the hospital's corridor.


-"Daichi. He doesn't answer any calls or texts."

-"Maybe he didn't see them?"

-"That's impossible, he is completely attached to his phone and never leaves it unless you highly demand it."

-"Then I don't know."

-"He is just ignoring me, I'm sure."

Shirou did not answer this time, his mind was drifted away to his guilts and Michiru.

They were rushing with fast steps at the corridors until they reached Michiru's room and stepped in. She was there laying on the bed's white sheets, her eyes closed. She seemed normal like the two previous days and her wounds were slightly getting better. Just then, a doctor entered the room as well, it was the doctor that was chosen to take care of her.

-"Good morning. I see you're early as usual."

Kaito let Shirou speak, as he was paying attention on his phone, waiting for Daichi to respond to his texts and calls that soon were about to reach 100.

-"How is she going?"

-"As I said yesterday, she is in a stable condition and she is slightly getting better. However, she still needs to stay in coma."

-"I understand."

The doctor kept talking with Shirou for a little while and then she left the room, as she had other patients to check on.

-"Any response?"Shirou asked turning around and facing Kaito who was now looking at Michiru.

-"No, he is still ignoring. But you know what, I'll go search for him. He can't be far."

-"Call me when you do. We need to get to work soon."

Kaito nodded in agreement and waved his hand, leaving the room. After a few minutes Shirou decided to leave as well since there was no point in staying at the hospital. Michiru was in a coma, the doctor had other patients and Kaito left, which meant that he had no one to talk to. He walked to the direction of the door and looked one last time at Michiru's emotionless face before he turned around and left.

As he got out of the hospital to his suprise it started raining. It was quite unusual to rain in summer, but here we are. He started heading forward to the direction of Clara's house as it started raining harder.

-"Shit." He thought, regretting that he didn't take his umbrella with him. Usually it was always in his left pocket but Clara insisted on washing his coat so he left the umbrella at the table beside the couch. And of course he forgot about it.

He was halfway throught his way to Clara's house when he tripped and and fell down, landing with his face in dirt.

-"Great. Now Clara will be mad." He said angrily.

As it was raining harder and harder every minute, he decided to stay in a cafe and wait till the rain stops.

As he entered the first cafe-looking building his eyes found, he stopped as he realized that the building he was in wasn't a cafe, in fact it was a bar full of dangerous looking dudes drinking and talking about their stuff. He didn't want more trouble than he already had so he turned around with the intention to leave when the corner of his eye caught a familiar face at the back of the room.

Alan was talking to a misterious looking person who's head was covered with a hood. He seemed too cought up with keeping the conversation to notice Shirou's presence. Shirou, taking the chance, sat behind the pair and took a nearby newspaper to cover his face. He sat patiently, trying to hear their conversation. Unfortunately he couldn't see the hooded person's face.

-"Are you sure?"  The hooded person asked. Their voice sounded feminime. It was definitely a woman.

-"Yes. I thought a lot about it and I'm sure you'll do your job just fine. Here's your money." Alan spoke as he placed a white envelope on the table and looked around, making sure that no one's attention was on them. He turned his gaze back at the woman who was now holding the envelope. He whispered:

-"You have three days. Remember, take "care" of the three and capture the girl."

Now Shirou was nothing but confused. It was clear that the woman had a task to complete, but she had to take "care" of who? And also the girl, capture her? Really, Sylvasta?

The woman looked down in dissagreement and locked eyes with Sylvasta.

-"I don't know if I'll manage to do it in three days."

-"You have to."

-"But the time you gave me isn't enough-"

-"I don't care."

-"Why don't you give me more time?"

-"You don't have to know about that."

-"But i'd like to."

-"Jesus Christ, woman, if you can't do the job then give me back the money and i'll find another person that would gladly do the task without complaining."

-"Fine, i'll do it bjt if I fail, you know the reason. Also you have to give me some informations about them." The woman demanded.

-"Everything you need to know is in the envelope." Alan pointed at the envelope in the woman's hands.

The woman stood up, ready to leave.

-"When I'll complete the task I'll call you."

-"Remember, don't tell anyone about me, everything has to be kept between us." Alan said as he quietly added "Glitch."

The woman was already out and soon Alan followed, leaving the building. Shirou froze to the table he sat in, shocked.

-"Glitch?? Alan hired Glitch, the most wanted assasin in the whole world to kill someone...What the hell??" His head felt like it was going to explode. He could've expected many things from Alan but surely not this.

-"I'm wondering who were they talking about" Shirou thought.

After he managed to sort some things out, the rain stopped pouring and he left to Clara's house. On the way he decided to call Mayor Rose and tell her about the situation.

-"Shirou? Did something happen?"

-"I've overheard a conversation between Alan and a woman. Alan payed her to "take care"of three people and to capture the fourth one. I'm not sure what was he meant when he said "take care" but I thing that he meant murder. She has three days to complete her tasks.  Also I have no idea why he is in Tokyo. But the most important is that the woman he was talking with was Glitch."

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