Part 11

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-"So did you find them?"

-"No. It just looks like they magically disappeared out of nowhere since yesterday."

-"Keep on searching. I'm sure they're somewhere in Tokyo."


Just as he hanged up on the call with Mayor Rose, he saw a familiar looking boy walking down the street. He couldn't really tell if it was Daichi. He looked completely different. Black jumper, black jeans and snickers. Even his haircut looked different. He couldn't just change over night. The only thing that didn't change was the look on his face. He made sure that it was him, as Kaito showed up from a corner, running after him and saying something that he couldn't hear. He decided to follow them and talk to them as soon as they stopped somewhere.

-"Your "disguise" is too simple, it won't work."

-"I didn't ask for your opinion."

-"What is with you lately, you act too cold towards me. You never acted like that."

-"And you ask too many questions."

-"Because I care, maybe??"

-"Yeah, sure you do."

-"It really starts to piss me off."

-"Your problem."

Kaito snorted and crossed his hands angrily. They were chased by the police and even by Shirou and now Daichi is being annoying. How worse things could be?

Suddenly, Daichi turned around and stared straight at Shirou who was surprised by the sudden move.

-"Your footsteps are too heavy, any beastman could hear you."

Kaito on the other hand, did not hear anything and was surprised as much as Shirou, mostly for seeing him there.

-"That was smart."

-"Why are you following us?"

-"We need to talk."

-"I certainly think that there's nothing else to say."

-"It's not about your crimes. It's about Sylvasta. And I believe you both know something important."

Kaito and Daichi glanced at each other and looked back at Shirou in denial.


The prison's alarm rang, as a signal for the prisoners to get up and get ready for the daily activities.

A few moments later, the hallway that contained the cells were now full of people who waited in line to go to the cafeteria for the breakfast. But Glitch's state was different. She would be brought food at her cell since she was considered as too dangerous to let her grab food on her own.

Glitch hadn't been there a complete day and she had already made an escaping plan that would succeed in a 100% rate. She just hoped that there wouldn't be any smart enough officers to catch her in the act.

She already had enough of the others making fun of her for getting cought. "The most dangerous assassin in Japan got cought. What a shame for the underworld." She kept hearing those words since the moment she arrived.

Her cell was away from the others, so no one could notice what was about to happen exactly.

The cell's door opened and a guard holding a tray of food walked in cautiously. He left the tray on the desk and walked towards her to untie her so she could eat. Everything went according to her plan.

As he pulled out the chain keys, she hit his head with hers and then kicked him on his stomach. He eventually ended up falling down and hitting his head again on the ground, which made him fall unconscious. She took the keys and freed herself.

That nice feeling that you can move your hands freely again even if it's only been some hours.

She left the cell, wearing the guard's clothes and carefully passed the hallway towards the exit. Before she left for good  there was something in the lobby that she had to take back. She quickly made up an excuse in case she was asked and entered the lobby looking around for her stuff. As she found them, she threw them all in a bag she found from someone else's stuff and left the building without, for some unknown reason, encountering any guards in her way.

If she could beat up everyone so easily and escape before her trial, why didn't see do it before? There's no answer to that.

She went in a corner and changed back to her actual clothes, leaving her disguise behind. It was a successful escape. Too easy actually.

Glitch didn't even make it halfway back to the city and a black fancy car stopped in front of her.

-"I never thought you would escape so fast. I'm very impressed."

-"I'm sure you're not here to congratulate me for my "success", am I right Alan?"

-"You have a sharp brain. That's good. It means that we will be able to communicate more easily."

-"Get to the point already, you're wasting my time."

-"Very well. Get in. We have very important things to talk about."

The black car drove off, as Glitch got in.



"We are not telling you anything, and you are not going to force us, whatever you do."Daichi snapped stubbornly.

-"Why do you have to make things so complicated? Anima-City's future might be in danger of what Sylvasta is planning along with the Family. Do you really want to see beastmen fall?"

-"I think we should tell him-"

-"Why don't you tell him yourself then? I'm not bothering to reveal anything."

-"Where the hell are you going?"


They were the last words that came out of Daichi's mouth before he disappeared in between the people who were walking down the street.

Kaito and Shirou stayed quiet for a few heartbeats but then Kaito looked at Shirou:

-"Let's go somewhere where is quiet. The streets is not the best place to talk."

Shirou nodded in agreement and followed him into a cafe, that appeared to be empty at the time being.

-"It's all very complicated, so listen carefully."Kaito said when the waiter brought them their drinks.

He sipped some of his ice tea and begun explaining in a lower voice.

-"Alan is developing a new drug and he needs people to experiment it on, but of course that drug is illegal and the only way to experiment it is by kidnapping people, because let's be clear, no one want's to be experimented on. I think he hired the Family to do that job for him, since he didn't want his staff to be seen by any witnesses. The Family would do it more stealthy and unnoticeable since they've kidnapped people before. But, I don't really know what that drug is and why it is illegal. The Family did not share more than that information to members still in "training" which makes them still not very trustworthy."

-"Do you know if they are going to kidnap any other people?"

-"No. Nothing has been decided yet."

-"I think I know what Alan is planning, since he tried the same thing a month ago, but we have to further research it."

"We are interrupting our program...."

-"No, not again!"Shirou snapped and turned around to look at the television that was on the wall.

"Just half an hour ago, Glitch, the assassin that was cought two nights ago, escaped her cell by beating up a guard and wearing his clothes as a disguise. We have proof that it happened this way, by finding the officer unconscious on the ground and also his uniform was laying outside the jail's building just a few meters away. The escape attempt was easy........"


I have nothing to say except that this chapter got written by the second author, so thanks to them I can continue being lazy- Anyway, have a good day/ night!🌸

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