Part 6

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After the Sumida River Fireworks festival, Daichi, Kaito, Shirou and Michiru decided to meet at a restaurant to eat. However halfway throught their conversation, Michiru's parents showed up. Now Michiru was basically laying hopelessly in her parents arms waiting for them to back off.
Her mother was crying, her father kept an happy expression, the boys were confused and Shirou was angry. You may ask why was he angry? Turns out that Michiru's father was a beast hunter.

Shirou couldn't count how many beastman those bastards trapped and propably sold or just brutally killed. It was unbelievable that Michiru, this good, optymistic and most of the time happy girl was a daughter of such a bastard. A cruel and nasty human. Shirou could bet that Michiru had no clue about what's going on. They once talked about their parents, and Shirou remembered Michiru saying "I don't know anything about my father's job, he told me that he works in a group or something. That's the only thing I know. However he make's a lot of money of it and we can provide for a better living."

All of this made a huge mess in Shirou's head, but he decided not to burst out with anger. They didn't need more drama than they already have. He'll get that prick another day and he'll make sure that he'll pay his price. Now his priority was to free Michirou and leave as quickly as possible.

-"Ekhem. I don't want to disturb you but we have to leave." Shirou tried to remain as calm as possible.

-"Yeah, he's right. We're not just hanging out, we're on a mission."

-"Will we see you again?" Ms. Kagemori asked with hope in her voice.

She seemed like a good woman. There was no doubt that she didn't know anything about her husband's job. She didn't looked like she would marry such a prick if she knew the truth about him. Shirou remembered that one time when Michiru talked about her mother and mentioned that she was a really good and kind woman. She said that she wouldn't hurt a fly. That only made the hypothesis about her supporting beastmen ever more true.

Michiru thought for a while before she responded. How was she supposed to tell her parents that they propably won't meet again. She had two choices. Meeting her parents again and them trying to force her to come back or telling them that they won't meet again, which led to them trying to change her mind into coming home too. "It's the same piece of bread" she thought. However she choose the second option.

-"I suppose not. Eventually we're going to return to Animacity and we're really busy lately because we have to stick to our harmonogram. Every moment counts."

-"Im sick of this b*llshit. I don't care if you have a job or not or if you decided to live in a city full of mutants, you're returning with us." Michiru's father said. Now the situation started getting out of control and the clients started looking strangely at the old man, who was screaming and shouting at the teenage girl.

"Pfff, he really thinks he can take Michiru by force. He doesn't know her abilities. What a stupid human." Shirou said to himself, quiet enough so none could hear him.

-"Okay. Try to catch me then." Michiru said and before her father understood what she meant, she wasn't there anymore.

-"Come back here!!" Michiru's father shouted as he rushed behind Michiru.

-"You're not going anywhere." said Shirou as he grabbed the old man's wrist and threw him against the wall. He yelped and fell unconcious.

-"I'm sorry for that ma'am, I hope you understand that it was necesarry. Also I consider talking with your husband about his job. He's doing some illegal stuff." The last two sentences were just a whisper, but it was enough for ms. Kagemori to hear. She stood there with a shocked expression as Shirou and the boys rushed out to find Michiru.

As they were looking for Michiru, they heard a soft crying coming from an ally at the back of the Chinese store. They slowly approached the place where the crying was heard from and they spotted Michiru, curled against the stone wall, crying. As she realized that she isn't alone, she quickly wiped her tears and stood up.

-"O-Oh, its y-you..." she said with relieve and sat back down. Her voice was shaking.

-"We wanted to check on you, your father isn't going to bother you, at least for now. Shirou threw him against the wall and he went uncincious." Daichi said with a serious tone.

-"Y-you did?" Michiru answered with her shakey vouce, as she turned her head to face Shirou.

-"It was the only thing I could do at the time. He deserved it."

Michiru said nothing, instead she kept staring at the floor beneath her. After a while of tension, she whispered:

-"Thank you."

-"You're not mad at me?"

-"No, I always knew that he wasn't a good human, even if he's trying to act like one. His hatred for so called "mutants" jerks me away."

-"You still don't know what's his job?"

-"I know nothing except the things he told me. We already talked about this."

-"Right. When I saw him, I recognized him immidiately. Back in the days before Animacity, he was one of the most succesfull beast hunters."

-"He did... What?"

Michiru placed her hands all over her head and started pulling her hair. Her father was or still is a beast hunter? That was impossible. But, Shirou couldn't be lying, could he? A quick light flushed in front of her eyes. It all made sense. She finally understood.


-"Papa, what's your job?" small Michiru asked, sitting on her father's lap.

-"That's difficult to explain, Michiru. We talked about this. Im working in a group with other people. You won't understand the rest."

-"Okay, papa." small Michiru sounded dissapointed. At that moment she made a self note to ask her father about his job when she'll get older. Years passed by and she alway kept getting the same answer. So she gave up. The thought of living a good life with the cost of beastman being sold and killed was terrifying. She felt guilty. Suddenly more tears started approaching her eyes , she tried to stop them but her emotions were too strong.

-"M-My father is a killer... I-I've been living with the c-cost of people's l-lives."

The boys approached her and tried to comfort her by hugging.

-"It's not your fault, you didn't know about anything. And even if you did, you couldn't stop him."

-"I-I guess you're r-right."

Michiru stood up and forced a smile.

-"I think we should head back, Clarissa might get worried."

-"You're right, enough drama for today."

And that's how the day ended. As they were walking back to the house , the same thought appeared in their heads. We'll find him and make sure that he'll pay for his crimes.

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