Part 9

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Right now Shirou was waiting outside Michiru's room in the hospital. Michiru got beaten really badly by the mafia which ended with her passing out and having to go to the hospital immidiatelly. Just a few minutes ago the doctor crossed in Michiru's room, with the intentions of checking one last time if he hadn't missed any injuries.

As the doctors informed him about her state, his eyes widened in shock with every word that escaped the doctor's mouth. Apparently Michiru had broke her left hand, two broken ribs and a lot of scrathes as well. Also her head got beaten really bad, that's why she fell unconcious. To save her from the pain she had to go through, they decided to put her in a coma which if she had enough luck, should last around a week.

No matter what he thought about, the uneasy felling of guilt wouldn't leave him at least for a second. He was responsible for Michiru. It was his job to keep her safe. And now because of him Michiru was laying uncounciously in the hospital bed, being surounded by different kinds of doctors and nurses. If only he stopped her back then... Mitsuku wouldn't be dead and Michiru wouldn't be in the state she was now.They had plenty of time to think about a plan, a strategy, and they decided to go off like that and fight the mafia without having any idea what to do next.

And Michiru... She will be heartbroken when she'll hear that her dear friend got shot. She always was so happy when she talked about Mitsuku, about how they met and how they spent their time together. Even if he seemed uninterested, Shirou was happy that Michiru was talking about her friend with such passion and admiration. Amd it was his fault, again, that she died. But when he saw that the man was pointing a gun directly into Michiru and had his hands on the trigger, he couldn't resist. He had to do something. And in a wave of panic he pushed the man, which led to Mitsuku getting shot and dying on the spot.

He was staring at the floor blankly deeping into his thoughts as he heard the his phone ringing. He reached into the pocked of his long white coat, now covered in dust, as he held his phone and gazed at the screen.
"Mayor Rose" He saw as he pressed the green button and placed his phone to his ear.

-"Shirou, what happened?? I got an email from the human police telling me that you and Michiru got mixed in a mafia fight. They also said that a person got killed and Michiru's in the hospital. Please, tell me this isn't true."

-"I can't talk about this here." Shirou murmured "Right now I'm at the hospital, I'll go into an empty hallway and then I'll answer all of your questions." He said as he got up from his seat and started walking towards and empty hallway that he found out about earlier.

-"Yesterday me and Michiru overheard the mafia making plans about transporting a kidnaped girl to Sylvasta for experiments. As we learned the time they were supposed to meet and transport the girl, the next day in the morning we showed at their meeting place and hid behind the bushes waiting for the car with the girl. Clara's son and his friend are in the mafia and are working against us. When the mafia arrived with the girl , it turned out that the girl was Michiru's friend. She rushed to free her and we ended up in a fight. Michiru fell unconcious and is now in the hospital. She broke her left hand as well as her two ribs, her head received a lot of punches and has a lot of scratches and injuries. To make it easier for her, they put her in a coma, she should wake up in a week. As for me, I'm fine, my body healed it self. Michiru's friend, Mitsuku, got shot by one of the mafia members." Shirou explained as he shut his eyes trying to remember every detail.

-"Oh god..." Mayor Rose sighed with worry and disbelief in her voice. "How they managed to get in so much truble" She thought.

-"Mayor Rose.." Shirou slowly started "Please, don't blame Michiru for Mitsuku's death, it surely was a shock knowing that her friend was being kidnapped, she just wanted to help. It was.. My fault. I punched the man who was pointing his gun at Michiru. As he was falling down he pulled the trigger and it rushed to Mitsuku. Maybe if I thought about my actions no one would be dead." He finished, his voice nearly a whisper.

-"Don't blame yourself, it's not your fault. You had no other option and you surely couldn't think of something better during a second. I'm calling Clara to tell her about the boys. As for you, Michiru's mission is over. When she wake's up, you will both return to Animacity. In that time I want you to enjoy Tokyo, let's say you're on early Holidays."

-"But Mayor R-" Shirou tried to protest.

-"That's my command. Now I have to hang up , I still have to talk with Clara. Take care." And with that she hung up.

Shirou sighed. He had a week of "Holidays" as Mayor Rose said. The problem was that he didn't know what to do during this week. His job became his rutine and without it he felt like a burden, a person that no one needs, an outcast. It was sure that if he started spying on the mafia, Mayor Rose would get really mad, and that's the last thing he wanted to happen.

He started walking forward, when he spotted a familiar face. His black hair was all around his face, and his black jeans were fitting smoothly his skinny body. Daichi.

His eyes widened at the sigh of the teen boy as he rushed toward him. "this time you won't escape".

The boy noticed him and preceeded to back away, but it was too late. Shirou pinned him against the wall and started chocking him with his hands. People started forming around them, eyes wide open as they watched the scene in front of them.

-"You piece of sh*t" Shirou growled as his grip on the boy's neck tightened.

Daichi started trowing his hands and legs in all directions trying to free himself. Suddenly three security guards started running to their direction. They grabbed Shirou and pinned him to the ground so now his back was facing the ceiling. Then they hundcuffed his hands, took him to the police car and drove off to the police station in order to ask him some questions. The whole time he was staring out of the window, trying to figure out what he just did, not believing how agressive he became. He answered their questions truthfully, not having anything to hide. At 1 in the night they freed him as they didn't see the need to punish him drove him to Clara's house.


From now on I won't update as much as I do (which is impossible bcz I update once a month) bcz school just started. Also if any of you are wondering about the other author's fanfiction "Fujimori's diary", it got deleted. They think that it was bad written and they weren't really happy with it. There's a chance that they'll rewrite it in a future.

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