Part 7

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9 am.
Michiru woke up from the scent of fresh pancakes comimg down from the kitchen. She changed sides and looked at the couch where Shirou was supposed to be sleeping, but as always he was up before her, so now it was empty. That's when she realized that she had to get up.

A few moments later she was sitting at the kitchen table with Shirou and Daichi who were quietly eating Clara's pancakes. Daichi, like every time he had the chance, was using his phone.

-"Are you ever planning on staying away from your phone for a while?" Clara's irritated voice was heard behind him.

Daichi knew where that could lead if he spoke back so he didn't say anything.

-"Listen here young man! When I'm asking you a question, I'm expecting you to answer! Leave your damn phone for once!"Clara yelled.

Then she tried to take the phone from Daichi's hands but he moved his hands away before she could even touch it. He then stood up from his chair and left to his room.

-"These kids never learn" Clara murmured and took the empty plate to wash it.

-"So, are we going to look for more information today?" Michiru asked, turning her head to face Shirou who haven't even said good morning.

-"Well, that's why we are here anyways. It's not like we have any other choice." He murmured as he swallowed the last piece of his pancakes.

She could sense the tension between them two. He was still upset from yesterday. She was upset herself too. The whole thing with her father and his crimes was hard for her to deal with, since she always thought that her father was having a normal job and surely wasn't chasing beastmen.

-"I still don't understand what's wrong with all of you. You've been acting strangely since you came from the festival yesterday. I also saw that you were all shocked, but none of you told me what happened. So, that's why Im asking. What happened?" Clara said as she finished with the dishes and turned around to look at them.

Shirou and Michiru stayed silent for a while until Shirou stood up quickly:

-"Uh, we gotta go now. See you later Clara."  He said quickly as he walked to the door and grabbed his coat from the coat stand.

Michiru walked after him and soon they were walking towards the downtown of Tokyo. Before they left the neighborhood, they saw Kaito walking the opposite direction, obviously going to see Daichi.

-"Good morning guys." He friendly said, waving his hand a little.

He got no answer. Like they literally didn't notice his presence at all. Kaito was standing confused, as he watched their figures slowly dissapearing between the houses of the neighborhood.

The day followed in silence, only speaking when they encountered a beastman and asked them about what they would like to see in Animacity. Michiru tried several times to start a conversation with Shirou, but he never talked back.

It was now 3 pm. For Michiru it seemed like an eternity has passed with all that silence.
They were now in Tokyo's port since a beastman told them that there was a beastman only cafe hidden in an alleyway close to the port.

-"Do you think that he was telling the truth? We've been lost in these alleyways for half an hour now." Michiru asked, heavily breathing from walking around all these hours.

Again, she got no answer. She expected that anyways. Shirou hadn't opened his mouth all day. They were now exactly at the port, seeing employees and sailors hurriedly running around and doing their jobs.

Shirou suddenly turned around and walked to another alleyway. It seemed like he was following someone. Michiru hurried after him and some moments later they saw the person they were looking, entering a building.

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