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~ Regina Tso's POV ~

I lay on my back while I look at the sky. I am beside Tori, and the two of us are staring off at the blue sky above. Then the world seems to ... warp.

I look at her, and see her dark face flush pink. She looks at me. There's tears in her eyes.

"Something's happening," she whispers.

Then, there's a flash of light, and Elara and Regina Peshlakai emerge from a large, blue portal. Other Regina smiles at us.

"Hello, friend," she says. "Miss me?"

I wrap my arms around myself, my heart pounding. Elara begins to morph, right in front of humans. They flee and scream, and then, I see her take on the wendigo form. She howls and screams all at once, and then pounces.

"Leave us alone!" Jade cries, and then she transforms into a wolf, the first time I've seen her turn into a beautiful, light white, or cream colored wolf with light brown eyes. She snarls, her creamy hair standing on end.

"Go. Away," Harry says, standing beside his girl.

"Ha!" Other Regina exclaims.

"You really think that this is going to work out for you? You're outnumbered."

"Am I?"

She opens her hands, and there's flashes of light that cast us all onto our butts. We look at her, watching as the spirits in the air around us take shape and form, becoming something else. Becoming people.

"How are they bringing those things to life?" asks Gemma.

"We were never working on our own," says Other Regina. "We were always working with Cassie and the spirits. We will save the wendigo. All of them."

"At the expense of all of us?" I ask. "And those poor humans who just saw your girl morph?"

She snarls. "You think you're so important to them? I'll show you."

She raises her hands and begins to whisper under her breath. The spirits that have surrounded us begin to stir, and then ....


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