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Melanie's POV

As I walked through the hallway I was starting to think that I might have overreacted back there at the cafeteria but hey! You can't blame me for getting scared of the person that has the same eyes as the person in my dreams. Most people get scared by that, right?
Yes of course they do! .

" Now where will I get edible food except from the cafe? I could go to the kindergarten section, yes I could do that can't I? ." I thought

As I was walking towards the exit of the hallway, I saw Chris and his "girlfriend" Stacey and I felt a pang in my heart like I was being stabbed bit by bit... It hurts.

"I know we got on a rough patch and I said a lot of things that I didn't mean but you have to forgive me... You promised babe"
I heard Christopher say and I immediately felt like I was prying in their conversation so I walked pass but not before catching the glint that went pass the she-devil's eyes.

"Great she can't just let me pass now can she" I wondered as I walked by

"Well look who it is, our very own MUTE, the inaudible in flesh. How are you girl? How have you been? I haven't seen you lately. I hope you weren't eavesdropping cause then I would be scared you are going to TELL the school " Stacey said with each word dropped with venom and a dramatic flair and a topping of her bitchy attitude.

"I am not going to stoop to her level, I am not going to stoop to her level " I said to my self as I walked pass her

"What is it? Is your tongue twisted? Can't talk? "she said this time taunting me and laughing being impressed by her sick joke

I was almost out of there when I started writing a reply
"bitch don't listen to her" I heard my inner voice warning but I have longed  finished my comeback "don't do it "

" oh .hey .Luna .I .didn't .see. you. there, I .am .still. trying .to .learn .the language. Bitch .so. pardon. my. manners." I typed

"Yeah says the girl with the voice of my butler " she scoffed

"Well. at. least. i. got. a. man. "I said and smirked then walked away

I could feel her head turning in anger and she started shouting after me "WELL I HAVE A MAN TOO YOU BITCH, AND HE IS RIGHT HERE. NO ONE WILL LIKE YOU YOU INAUDIBLE DUMFUCK!!! "

I was feeling very proud for making her that angry, Ha! that was a nice one. "pretty much" my inner voice added.
But I couldn't help but notice Christopher who just stood there like his stupid girlfriend didn't just call  me a dumb girl ....literally and he didn't do anything " ugh!  what a supportive crush he is .
" I don't care about that right now go to that kindergarten cafe and get me food!! " I heard my stomach growling and I remembered what I was walking for in the first place, and with that I left for the kindergarten section in quest for food .

Sebastian's POV

"Men girls can be clingy around here. I know am hot and all but can't you at least pretend" I thought as I watched my two new blonde "friends " chatter about themselves and how popular they are around here.

"Fuck! end my life already I have had enough torture." I muttered under my breath

As I was about to excuse myself to anywhere but here, that's when I  saw her "my mystery girl " .
She was talking to her friends smiling and I couldn't help but study her features. Her black shinning hair, Her round brown eyes framed with thick long lashes, her pointed nose, her slender body that makes her look younger and her plump red lips that I  was itching to touch and kiss.

When I entered the class this morning she was the only one who seemed uncomfortable with my presence and when we locked eyes she looked at me like I was the cause of her problems, like she's seen me and hated me before even knowing me. What was that about? I wondered as I walked away to the back seat where I could look at her well but she glanced at me once and ran out of the class before the teacher even finished his sentence about some pairing project.

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