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Melanie's POV

" You don't need to worry little girl, you won't remember " His raspy old voice said and then he started laughing... Hard.

I felt like I was being dragged away with a leash on hot tarred road and as I heard his voice, it made me even more scared.
Suddenly everywhere felt hot and I was burning but  it was in the middle of the night,how is that even possible?. The heat intensified and I felt my self being dragged into the heat and it was Hot... Hot... Hot..

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" I opened my eyes to the sound of my screams but I couldn't even hear my voice.

I was shaking like the freaking ice queen cast a spell in my room. My breathing was ragged and heavy and I was very feeling scared  but this invited a new feeling that filled me even faster... Loneliness.
My mind travelled back to the one thought I didn't want to think about. I wasn't ready to think about how I am a mute loner who have a mess of a life.

I sat up on my bed on put on the bed lamp by the night stand and picked up my phone and checked the time and it showed 5:30am.
"well that's it for sleeping "I said  put on my slippers and went down stairs to find something to do since I was done with all my assignments.

As I walked down the stairs it made squeaky sounds that could wake the house up..
"shit, stupid old wood" I cursed and ran down fast to make it quicker.
The fridge was filled up with fruits ,vegetables and juice. Dang mom and her "healthy house " vibe.

I saw my cereal, grabbed  the milk and ran to the stairs then to my room. "just like a ninja" I said and landed on my bed thinking I did my stunt quietly until Jayden entered my room glaring at me .

"dude what the hell!. Why the fuck are running around the house " He said with his morning voice cleaning his eyes with one hand.

I wasn't ready to type right now so I did the sign that looks like a "hello" ,"goodbye ", and "sorry". I was implying on the sorry and  he kinda catched on but not before I caught the expression that passed through his face but he quickly masked it. I did a pouty face and shaked the cereal in the air and touched my stomach trying to tell him I was hungry.

"Of  course you are hungry at 5:40 in the freaking morning " he said grumbling and with that he left.

Sometimes I feel Jay forgets I can't speak but doesn't show it , cause he was kinda shocked earlier when I didn't reply him. I wonder how it's like to be the brother of me, "THE INAUDIBLE MUTE" as Stacey would say , which doesn't even make any sense cause mute is the same as inaudible but I don't expect much from her anyways ....

"So much for being a ninja " I thought as I settled down on my bed to watch some Netflix on my laptop and eat my cereal.


I heard chattering down stairs as the sun was shining through my curtains , brightening up the room and telling me to get my ass up.

Guess I fell asleep when I  was watching Netflix earlier this morning. Huh! that's weird,i never fall asleep back when I wake up in the morning.

Putting the thought at the back of my mind, I picked up my headband and went down stairs and saw my parents cleaning the house... Well my mom was.

"Good. morning " I typed and I heard a different voice from my headband then I pulled it giving it a shocking look.

"oh hey honey!, did you sleep well " my mom said

"Yeah. I .did. what .about. you?" the strange lady said

"I didn't know you could set the voices of your headband " my dad said

" Me. neither " I typed ,already getting annoyed by this mystery woman's voice. I want my librarian back, we have a connection already and I am used to it

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