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Melanie's POV

There are sometimes when people just don't want to be asked some certain questions , cause it triggers something in them and they don't even have an answer to such questions. I feel that is what is happening to Sebby right now cause the look on his face is like hell went loose and he is tormented with the memories all over again.

" You better have a good good excuse cause if  you don't I swear to God" I wrote looking as angry as I can get , because it makes no sense to just start a fight with someone who you barely know and not have a good reason behind it . Part of me wants to believe what Ruby said about it being about me but lets be logical here , it's me we are talking about .who would argue over me? I feel its a boy's thing or its about Stacey as Charlie said ,well at least she gets lucky .

"Well?" I wrote again but I got no response. And come to think of it he was the reason behind everything, because my crush since forever finally stole my first kiss as he deserves and Sebby creepy comes up from no where and spoilt the show with no reason?? I'm starting to get pissed at this guy even if he is a new 'friend' I just made . Did I do wrong in not keeping my distance?

"Who is Chris to you?" He asked looking like it took everything in him to say that

Finally words make way in that mouth of yours , I'm the dumb one and yet you take time to speak ,the irony . And what the hell does he mean by who is Chris to me? Who is this guy? He is my everything! But I won't tell him that. He doesn't need to know that and I feel he won't want to hear it either . I don't know what this doctor gave to me but I'm starting to get pissy over a little issue . Did he give me like a chemical that stares up emotions?  Cause I swear anger is making her way through .

" That doesn't seem to concern you now does it ?"  although my answer seems vague it seems to confirm something in his mind  because he nods and I don't know if he is nodding to my answer or to himself .

"Is he like your boyfriend or something cause I saw you guys kissing in the hallway ...are you two dating?" He asked he face dreading to hear my answer

Oh he saw that too? well there is enough rumors waiting for me in school that's for sure. I'm sure the lolallopsies are just dying to see me right now, huh who knew one kiss would make me the talk of the town , not that I want to be anyways. He doesn't seem too enthusiastic to hear my answer even though it's none of his business but I won't give him the satisfaction anyway .

"Stop avoiding the question you dipshit!" Like I said I'm getting angry and angry me means lots of swearing coming .

He looked shocked for a second with my response and then his whole dimenor changed, I could see the wheels turning in his head and then he smirked . That can't be good .

"You know for a pretty girl you sure have a dirty mouth" he said approaching me, stalking me like a prey and yet still smirking .

Okay with the distance he has covered I can smell his wonderful scent from here ,if he gets any closer my mind will go foggy and it's not a pleasant sight. He seems to notice my change too but shit he is still walking, taking careful steps towards me.

"You know I always thought that pretty girls had the most pleasant tongue but I guess I was wrong doll cause you look like you have them all bottled up, hell you look like you don't need to think ,it just flows" he said

Well he was right about one thing. I would slap that smirk off I swear , only if my stupid heart could stop fluttering for a second so I can think ,it's beating so fast I don't know what's happening anymore.

" I like girls with a dirty mouth, they are fun " he said looking like he remembered something meanwhile have covered personal space known to human existence, " and fiersty " his breath fanning my face

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