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God only gives his hardest battles to his strongest soldiers

Soul Ties 1:6





I rubbed my eyes and fought the urge to cry, the hospitals machines were giving me a headache; reminding me of why I hated coming here. I should've listened to her when she was telling me of her suspicions but I had waved her away, instead. People didn't randomly get shot, not in front of my house anyway - which was in a quiet area.

"Mm," Zaïrah mumbled and lifted her head, turning her dazed eyes towards me.

I jumped off my seat and rushed toward the bed, concern masking my features,"Are you okay? I came as soon as I heard."

"My belly . . . It hurts," she groaned.

"Should I get the doctor? Do you need water?"

"Water," she croaked out.

I grabbed the plastic cup by the bedside table and filled it with water, I watched intently as she gulped the water down and then winced.

"What happened?" I asked, knowing it was too soon to question her but deciding that I couldn't wait.

"I . . . We were talking-"

"We?" I asked sharply.

She looked down,"Messiah."

My stomach plummeted, what the fuck was she doing speaking to him? Outside my house.

"Then, next thing you know a white van starts shooting at us. It was almost like it was just waiting there."

"Did you catch the license plate?"

"Only the end bit. UT."

The car made a sharp turn and I cursed under my breath, only making out the last two letters.

UT . . .

I blinked several times, deciding not to say anything. It had to be a coincidence. She had seen a white van and I had seen a black car, it didn't even correlate. I wasn't going to get too worked up about it, there was no point.

"Who brought you here?"


I spun around and looked into the doorway.

My heart stopped.

I swear, it did.

Messiah stood before me.


I stared.

That's all I could do.

She was fucking beautiful.

She stared back at me, her brown eyes glassy and dazed; as if she couldn't believe I was standing before her. Shantaè blinked and then her face became void of all emotions, like she couldn't be bothered.

"Can we talk outside?" I grumbled.

Her mouth opened but no words came out.

She walked stiffly towards me, sliding past me and into the corridor. I glanced at Zaïrah, who looked at me with wide eyes.

"She's not the same Messiah."

I noticed Zaïrah kept telling me this, that she wasn't the same. Was it my fault? Probably. I wanted to fix that. I didn't want there to be any problems between us but then again I had left for two years, shit wasn't the same. I stepped out of the door and sat opposite her on the blue chairs, just outside Zaïrah's room. I noticed how tense and uncomfortable she looked. We sat there, neither of us speaking until I finally broke the silence.

"Its been a while, hasn't it?" I started.

She looked at me and then rolled her eyes, looking back down at her lap.


"Shantaè, you wouldn't understand why I had leave like that. You'll never understand."

"So help me understand! What were you doing in those two years?" She hissed, tears wetting her eyelashes.

"I had to sort some stuff out. Karma was still on the loose; he wanted my head as well as Daniel's. I couldn't be around you with all of that shit," I snapped back.

No one understood.

"So what, Messiah? Did you dead him?' She sneered, mockingly.

"Yes. He's fucking dead."

She didn't reply, playing with her nails instead. I noticed how different she looked, how mature. Where I thought her body was mad before, she had gotten thicker. Her hips were more filled out, her skin was glowing a chocolate brown colour. Her hair fell in loose waves around her chest.

"I still love you. More than anything."

She inhaled sharply.

"You fucking liar."

I furrowed my brows and nearly flinched at her sharp tone, a liar. That's not something I was expecting to hear from her mouth, anything but that.

"How's man a liar?" I asked, feeling a dangerous anger rising in me.

"You promised. You said you would never leave me. You were gone for two years, I've moved on. I don't love you anymore."

She breathed heavily, as if she was out of breath.

"I shouldn't have came."

"Yeah. You shouldn't have."

"What if everything's not over? Zaïrah got shot. Someone's out there. Again."

"And that's not my fucking business. Don't you see? Everyone was living in peace when you were gone, now you're back, Zaïrah gets shot. Someone obviously doesn't want you here, Messiah."

Before I could reply a figure appeared over me, I looked up coming face to face with a teenage looking boy. He glared at me and I stood up, I had no time for fuckery today.

"You got a problem, g?"

"Why the fuck are you talking to her?"

"She's my fucking girl. Are you dumb, cuz?" I hissed, stepping towards him.

Instead of backing down like I thought he would, he stepped up too, shoving his hand into my shoulder.

"Your girl, yeah? But you left her-"

"Lezain. Stop," Shantaè snapped.

The boy glared at me again, hatred filled in his gaze.

"We're going. Now." Lezain said, facing Shantaè.

"Okay, just go say hey to Zaïrah or something. I'm good over here," Shantaè replied.

"Who the fuck is that?" I asked, once he had left.

"Lezain. He's like my little brother."

"Some any dickhead."

She muttered a reply and stepped back, indicating that she was leaving.

"So . . . I'll shout you later."

"No. Messiah, there's no more us. You do you and I'll do me. And if you know what's good for you, you'll leave these ends and never come back."

This chapter was supposed to be much longer but I've truly had writers block and haven't even been feeling like updating. The next chapter will be much better, just give me some time.

Nicole Thea and Baby Reign, rest in perfect peace and fly with the angels❤🕊.

My heart is so heavy right now.

2020 is honestly fucked.


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