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betrayal hurts the most

Soul Ties 1:8



"Wait. For real?"

I groaned into my coat sleeve and rolled my eyes for the one millionth time. He was so annoying.


"Nah, there's no way. You're actually eighteen."


Trey chuckled and slithered his hand onto my shoulder, rubbing against me.

"There's no way you're still a virgin. That doesn't even make sense," he argued.

"Well. I am," I muttered.

"Didn't he take it?" Trey wondered, out loud.

I drew in a breath but was surprised when I didn't feel the deep pain in my chest at the mention of his name. Trey brought up his name so casually, it was starting to make me feel comfortable having a conversation about him. This was weird but I welcomed it, I needed to start getting over him.

"We never got around to that," I mumbled.

"Let's go yours," Trey suggested.

I glanced at him and giggled,"We're not going to have sex."

"Damn," he groaned, resting his head on my shoulder,"You broke my heart."

I laughed some more and waved him off, walking to the car park.

"Where you going?"

"To your car, duh."

He shook his head and followed me, opening the door on my side and then sliding into his.

"You good though?" He asked, seriously.

"Yeah, I'm alright. How are you?"

"I'm good. You're so formal."

"Yes, because there's no reason to speak like we're in the ghetto."

"But we are in the ghetto," he pointed out.

"Ugh, leave me alone."

Trey was right, we were in the ghetto and I was planning to get out as soon as possible. North London didn't bring anything good to my life, it was full of trouble. Nothing but trouble.

"To be honest, I'm not even about to bring up my kids in these areas. Especially boys."

"Honestly. Too risky," I sighed.

I had watched some boys lives turn to complete shambles in London, fighting for a postcode that they didn't even own.

"You seem so passionate about this. What happened?" I questioned jokingly.

Trey's face turned to a hard expression and he kissed his teeth,"I was in jail for two years."

I stared at him opened mouth, I knew Trey was a little rough around the edges and had a temper much worst than Messiah but jail? I did not expect that.

He started talking before I could even ask,"I stabbed some little yute for fucking around with my sister. In the neck. But he didn't die."


"The maddest part of it all is that I don't even regret it. I'd do it again."

"You were only protecting your little sister," I reasoned.

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