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wish my fallen soldiers were alive

Soul Ties 2:3


I stared at Messiah.

And he stared right back.

I read the note that we had found in the black box, first in my head and then I mouthed it refusing to believe that this was it.

"It's not . . . Daniel's note is in my room. Upstairs. There's no way."

"Are you sure?" Amara asked, her eyebrows raised.


I had cherished that note for a long time, it was the only piece of Daniel that I had left.

"Maybe Daniel is the one behind this whole thing."

I snorted and set my face into a deadly screw,"Trey, I beg you shut up."

This boy was extremely annoying. I didn't even want him in my house; I didn't trust his motives. He stared at me before leaving the room, I soon heard the front door slam shut and his car leaving the driveway.

I sighed, staring into space for ten minutes before I was aware of a presence behind me.

"Taè, can I chat to you quickly?"

I turned around to see Messiah looking down at the floor, nervousness etched into his features. I thought about turning him down but I sighed, agreeing. We needed to have a conversation. I used to be so comfortable around him, I loved him. Now, it was different. Two years had really gotten at us.

"So . . ."

"I can't tell you how sorry I am. I promised I wouldn't leave you and I did, then I'm coming back and everything is a mess again. I didn't mean for all this shit to happen," he started.

"Yeah. You did fuck up, a lot."

Messiah let out a rough sigh,"I had to leave so I could protect you. I had to dead Karma once and for all."

"Is he really gone though? And I'm getting the impression that you and Miah were seeing a lot of each other. Your ex. Like, seriously?"

"I'll be honest, I did fuck her. Many times. But I always wished it was you."

I couldn't even find it in myself to be angry, I couldn't really feel anything about that.

"Baby, I want to start again."

"Messiah, I-"

"No. Please. I said it was us for life. And I meant that shit. Give me another chance. I won't fuck this up again, I can't live without you."

Life was too short to hold grudges; yes, he had done me wrong but who was I to judge? Messiah had also been going through some hard times, so much anger was built inside him and I needed to come to terms with that. I needed to help him.

He was broken too.

"Yeah. We can work things out," I smiled.

"I love you, so much."

"Love you too."

Unknown POV

"Yeah. We can work things out."

"I love you, so much."

"Love you too."

I listened.

They didn't deserve this happiness. I had to suffer for two years, by myself; it was all their fault. No one understood how much pain I had felt but they soon would. Each and every one of them would feel my brutal wrath and I wasn't going to stop until everyone was dead. He had come back at the perfect time. I had planned to do this either way, with or without him but it made it so much easier that I could catch them out all together. I was having fun with this and they were so stupid. My puzzle would trick them, confuse them and then lead them right to me. I was blatantly giving them clues but they had forgotten.

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