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reconsidering the past

Soul Ties 2:6


"Whoever it is isn't expecting us until Friday! So we need to go now."

"Messiah, let's be reasonable about this-"

"There's nothing to be fucking reasonable about! Trey is a snake, Shantaè."

I flinched, not expecting him to shout at me. I had kind of forgotten how raw his tempter was, he would get mad at literally anything. But never me.

"Shantaè, baby, I'm sorry for shouting. I'm just mad. We really had him in our house. I could've just deaded him when he was here. I'm fucking annoyed," Messiah sighed.

"I know but none of us knew. You can't blame yourself," I said, trying to console him.

We decided not to open the bag; Messiah knew exactly where the warehouse was.

Kasm Road.

He wanted to get it all over and done with - I disagreed. We didn't know what we were up against; we needed to be ready and we were not ready.

"Taè, Messiah is right. I don't even know if Sola is still alive. I can't bare the thought of my baby being hurt and not knowing where her mum is. I can't."

Amara had bags around her eyes, she looked tired and worn out.

Zaïrah sat perched in the corner, not meeting any of our gazes but I knew she was also tired, she wanted to get this over and done with, too.

I wanted to move on.

Live a life where I wouldn't have to look over my shoulder all the time, I wanted to be safe. Because I hadn't felt that way in a very long time.

"Tomorrow then."

I nodded my head in agreement, not able to talk. I swallowed down the lump in my throat and moved towards the staircase. I drifted up the stairs, my eyes stinging. The last time something like this had happened, Daniel died. I couldn't lose anyone else.

Because then, I would officially be a broken toy.

I didn't want to linger on the past but once I had started thinking about it, I couldn't stop.

We crucify ourselves between two thieves; regret for yesterday and fear of tomorow. I know you're probably reading this right now and you're mad. I'm sorry for driving off and leaving you Messiah but this had to be done. I couldn't take you with me. Karma is dangerous and if he took out both of us, who's gonna look after Shantaè? You have to be here to make sure she's good. I see the way you look at my baby sister and know that you love her. If I make it out then this note won't even be necessary. But if I don't, I need you both to stay strong. Look after her for me. Look after her properly. This beef needed to be deaded once and for all and I needed to be the one to do it. You need to be around for my sister. I know you understand.

Shantaè. It burnt my chest knowing that I have to write this note, the possibility of me coming back is slim. Even if I kill Karma, I'll need to ghost. We've made many mistakes and now we need to amend them. You're strong, so please, be strong for me. I know you'll be upset but keep your head up for me. I love you with my whole heart. Everything will be okay.

- Daniel.

I read the note, my heart aching. I felt the same pain I did everytime I read it. Nothing could console me. No one could.


I turned my head slowly to see Lezain standing in the doorway.

He stalked towards me, before sitting beside me on the bed. I didn't need to say anything, I didn't need to explain because he already knew. He wrapped his arms around me and I cried. I cried so fucking much because nothing was going to be okay.

This was the way we chose to live, we chose to drag people in with us.

And we had to face the consequences.


"He's a beautiful baby."

"Thank you."

I focused my attention on my son, I couldn't even look my sister, Leah, in the eye. It was too hard for me to do.

"I've missed you, so much. Why didn't you call me when you were away?"

"I just didn't know how to, Leah. It was too much."

"They made you leave, didn't they?" She spat out.

I didn't need to ask her to clarify. I knew exactly who they were. But I couldn't hold any grudges, I was older now and much more mature. Messiah had helped me become that person.

Her phone pinged and she looked outside of the restaurant,"My ride is here. I'll see you when I see you."

I didn't reply but watched her leave the restaurant and open a car door.

I squinted at who was driving and nearly fell off my chair. He looked eerily familiar, like I had met him before.

Before I could look more closely, the car sped off.

I knew I wasn't seeing things.

I unlocked my phone and headed straight for my contacts.

The phone rang three times before the call was answered.

"Messiah, we need to talk."


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