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trust no one

Soul Ties 2:5


I didn't feel welcomed anywhere.

They barely even wanted me in the house, Messiah hated me and Shantaè wanted nothing to do with me. I couldn't continue to be in an environment where I was unwanted; it didn't feel right. I guess I was partially to blame, if I didn't start moving mad then everything would still be okay. If I hadn't abandoned Shantaè when she needed me the most, we would still be a family.

I pulled my hood tighter around my head; I shouldn't have even left the house at this time. It was freezing and it was getting darker. I just wanted to go home, to a place where I knew I was safe and welcome. I found it funny how so much had changed in the space of two years, we couldn't just get rid of each other. We were all tied together somehow, that bond couldn't just go away.


I turned around and squinted, unable to recognise the person jogging, lightly, towards me.

"Hey, it's me."

Miah's sister.

"Oh, hi! Remind me of your name again."


"Oh, right."

"Well, I just wanted to say hi. I hope everything's okay with you," she smiled.

"Yeah, of course. Why wouldn't it be?"

"Oh, I don't know! I just wanted to see if you were okay, you know," she rambled.


"Anyways, yeah. Bye," she muttered.

There was something seriously wrong with that girl. Honestly.


Tired wasn't even the word.
I was mentally and physically drained, to sum it up I was tired of life; Lezain wanted nothing to do with me and we had to go to that stupid warehouse in the next three days. I just didn't understand where I had gone wrong in life, to be very honest. Why couldn't I be at peace?

"Bae, are you good?"


"Obviously not," he replied, taking a seat beside me.

"Yeah, well, Lezain has officially told me to fuck off like I don't mean shit to him and I'm way too scared to open that bag."

We both looked at the black bag that sat on the centre table.
I was too scared to open it and see what "surprise" had been left for us.

"We don't have to open it right now. I just want you to know I'm here, don't worry about anything," Messiah murmered, stroking my cheek.

What if he left again, though?

"Yes. I know."

He moved closer to me, his lips finding mine. Lipsing Messiah never got old and having sex? I didn't know it could be this good. I was glad I had waited too, it made it even more special. He lifted me and I squealed, getting into a comfortable position on his lap. Our clothes fell off, quickly, both of us rushing to feel this sensation.

"Wait, I, ugh-"

And he put it in.

I moaned into his ear, gripping the back of the sofa.

"Shantaè, fuck."

Two Hours Later

He didn't know how to stop.

We didn't know how to stop.

How many rounds?

I had stopped counting at this point.

"Did you pull out?"

He froze, stopped tracing small circles on my stomach and stared at me.

I sat up, nearly hitting my head on his chin,"Messiah."

"I'm joking," he chuckled.

I slapped his cheek, ignoring his wincing.

"That's not funny."

His phone pinged, twice.

And then a third time.

And then a fourth.







Until, it became constant. It wouldn't stop.

"Bae, get your phone. What the fuck?"

"Who the fuck is this?"

I peered at his phone, seeing an unsaved number and several images.

"You have got to be fucking joking," Messiah yelled.

I jumped, feeling a shiver run down my spine.

I grabbed the blanket draped on the chair and wrapped myself in it before looking at the image, more clearly now.

My mouth dropped open.

I was seeing things.

I had to be.

Two males stood close, their heads bent together, both of them looking at something in a big, black bag.

Something that looked like a body bag.

It was Trey.

And Ricardo.

Making chapters a little shorter and updates much more frequent now, since we're getting to the end.
I also have something else I've been working on, so that's why I'm trying to finish up this book, since I already have everything planned out.

It's not going to be the ending that you think.


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