Chapter 3

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Veronicas POV

Attention was my favourite thing, especially from boys. In New York I was always hooking up with someone different every weekend at parties even though so far I had seemed to be keeping that same reputation in Riverdale, I didn't really want to do it but it was the only way to show my parents that I wasn't there puppet to control.

I sat at my vanity curling my hair into soft beach waves when I got a text from Reggie.

Reggie- I'm outside ;)

Honestly I didn't have much of an opinion about Reggie yet. He seemed ok, genuine even but boy was I going to find out about the real Reggie Mantle tonight. I quickly shut off my phone and put it in my bag before standing up and straightening out my short, black and white patterned, low cleavage dress that fit her body perfectly.

As I made my way towards the lobby I thought about how this dress would catch Reggies attention almost instantly and I smiled at the thought, but my concentration was broken when I felt a harsh grip around my wrist causing me to stop immediately and snap around to face them.


"Yes daddy?" I said calmly trying not to give away the fear that was building up inside me. I knew my father had hit me before and he wouldn't be scared to do it again but right now, he had to make it seem we were the perfect family and his daughter going to school with a black eye without a explanation would definitely spark some curiosity amongst the town.

Hirams eyes burnt into mine before speaking "where do you think your going like that" he snapped looking me up and down at my outfit, a small smile forming on my lips as I ripped my hand away from him "A date. Don't wait up I might be a while"

I turned away from him and went to the door where my mother was waiting with her signature innocent smile plastered on her face. There was nothing innocent about her.

"Now mijah. I know your upset with your father but you need to stand by him and me" she said as she put a strand of my hair behind my ear like I was a child. "The day you stand up against daddy and get us away from him, is the day I start calling you my mother again" I said and with that I left leaving my mother speechless.


Reggie put his hand on the small of my back as he lead me through the door and into pops chocklit shoppe. A man stood behind the counter with a tag hooked to his clothes that read 'Pop Tate'. He smiled at us as he took us to our booth at the far end of the diner, once we were seated I grabbed a menu to choose the meal I would be ordering.

While scanning the paper in front of me I could feel Reggie staring at me which caused me to look up at him "what?" I smiled which he returned with a smirk, making me realise he must have been looking at my chest but I ignored it when he started to speak "nothing you just look gorgeous" he said

I smiled sweetly "thank you"

After a while our food we had ordered arrived and we started chatting while eating. Surprisingly I was having a good time which I did not expect. He talked about heaps of things such as how he was the captain of the football team and he even mentioned Archie which caused my stomach to fill with butterflies at just the thought of him. I flirted as often as I could and reached out to touch his chest while laughing to make him want more but I was taken back when Reggie leaned forward and smashed his lips onto mine.

At first I followed my plan and kissed back feeling one of his hands come up and cup my cheek while the other rested on my thigh but he started moving it up higher under my dress. I quickly pulled back and pushed him off me causing him a have a confused but more importantly angry look on his face. I let a breath before meeting his gaze "I'm sorry I can't do this right now" I said as Reggie got even more annoyed.

"So you dress like a slut, lead me on all night and now can't handle a simple kiss?" Reggie snapped at me making me flinch slightly but I composed myself "I think you should go" I say. He wastes no time listening as he is out of the diner a few seconds later.

He was a pig and disgusting but I just blew my chance at getting back at my parents. Why couldn't I just go along with it? It's not like I hadn't done anything like that before. I sighed as I stood up.

But before I could go anywhere a man covered in black clothing and a mask causing him to be unrecognisable, burst into the diner holding a petrol can and rushing around the shop to pour the liquid onto the floor and the machines behind the counter. Everyone in the diner started to panic and run out the door to safety. But I froze as I watched the man pull out a lighter, he turned and stared at me before dropping it onto the ground and sprinting out of the store.

I tried to run but before I took one step a huge explosion went off and I hit the floor causing everything to go black.

I hope your enjoying the story! I know there hasn't been much Varchie interaction yet but it is coming very, very soon!

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