Chapter 15

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Veronicas POV

*1 week later*

The past week Archie had kept sneaking in and out of my room through the window because if my parents found out, especially my father, I would be in huge trouble and who knows what they would do to Archie.

I still hadn't told him about Reggie and every time Archie mentioned me going back to school I immediately shut him down.

"Ronnie I'll be with you the whole time, besides your falling too far behind as it is if you keep missing school your going to fail the year" Archie said. He had a point I was not doing myself any favours but I wasn't ready "I promise I'll be by your side all day and if it gets too much I'll bring you back home" he said, trying his hardest to convince me.

I sighed "fine"


The first half of the day went pretty well, of course I got dirty looks as the news had gotten around about what I had tried to do to myself but Archie glared back at them, putting them in there place. The more I think about it the more I know how much I am in love with him. Everything about him was perfect, he didn't hurt me and never would.

It was lunchtime so everyone was we either in the cafeteria getting lunch or outside, Archie had left me at my locker while he went to the bathroom. I was leaning against the lockers staring at a picture of us together on my phone "that's cute" someone said from behind me, I instantly spun around to see Reggie standing behind me smirking.

"Why do you keep tormenting me? Leave me alone!" I snapped at him trying to stay strong but on the inside I was terrified "relax Princess" he rolled his eyes "Archie will be back any second" I quickly said as he started walking towards me making me back away.

"Oh so you got to him too did you, are you going to lead him on as well? You haven't cried rape yet have you because if you did that would make me very, very mad" he said and grabbed my wrist harshly. I screamed as he pushed me against the lockers and covered my mouth with his hand, he shook his head "no screaming, just like last time" he said smugly.

I closed my eyes tightly waiting for it all the happen again when I heard a thump and felt Reggie hand fall from my mouth. I quickly opened my eyes and saw Reggie unconscious on the floor, I was confused until I felt two strong arms wrap around me, making me freak out "let go of me! Don't touch me, I don't want this!" I yelled as I thrashed around trying to get out of there grip but they held me tighter "Ronnie it's me, it's me" Archie said while stroking my head. I melted into his arms, crying tears I didn't think I had left in my body.

Archie lead me to the student lounge and sat me down on one of the couches with him. I knew there was no way of not telling him now and that he needed an explanation for all this "Ronnie what happened?"

Archies POV

It felt good punching Reggie, he deserved it but he did even more now that I saw him with Ronnie just now, I wanted to beat him until he wouldn't wake up again but Ronnie needed me right now.

"Reggie...... raped me, Archie" she whispered. My eyes snapped towards her, I was going to kill him "what! When?!" I yelled making her jump and I realised how scared she still was so I lowered my voice but I was so angry you could almost see the steam coming out of my ears.

"At the party" she said softly and I instantly felt my heart sink. Reggie threatened her and I knew about it and still left her alone with him. I quickly got up "Archie don't!" Veronica called out to me but I had already ran back out to the lockers where Reggie had gained consciousness and was rubbing the back of his head where I had punched him a few minutes earlier.

I grabbed him by his shirt and threw him hard against the lockers "come back for round two?" He said and I pushed my arm up against his throat, he gasped trying to get air but I just pushed harder "you need to stay away from Veronica. Don't touch, think or even look at her because if you do I'll call the cops and get your ass thrown in jail or, hell I'll kill you myself. Got it?" I said angrily and he nodded his head quickly, his face going red from the lack of oxygen.

I let go of him and he dropped to the floor and I squatted down in front of him, getting up in his face as I spoke "don't test me on this"

Hey guys! First off thankyou sooooo much for the support! And I have a question: Should I make this one big story or should I make a book two after a few more chapters??? Let me know in the comments. Thanks!

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