Chapter 16

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Veronicas POV

Ever since my run in with Reggie again I had been drinking, a lot.

At first it was only at home, straight after school I would drink until I pass out on my bed until the next morning but I wasn't getting through the school day without it anymore so I needed it with me 24/7 now, even at school. Archie didn't know and I didn't want him too, he's worried about me enough as it is and he doesn't need another burden.

I took a swig from my flask of rum before shoving it back in my bag. I was already smashed but I didn't care I wanted more, I needed more. I started walking my first class which I was already late for, I opened the door and got a glare from the teacher but she let me enter without a warning. I started walking towards the back of the class where I would put my face down on the table and go to sleep when I heard cheryl and one of her minions.

"Late again as usual" the girl sitting beside Cheryl said, "she's never late to spread her legs that's for sure" Cheryl said smirking.

She was trying to get me to snap but I wasn't going to give in "oh come Veronica, that didn't fire you up at all? Obviously you didn't get daddy's temper" Cheryl said. That was it. I didn't know if the alcohol was thinking for me or if I really had just had enough of her crap.

I pulled my hand back and slapped Cheryl hard across the face, making her whimper which gave me a satisfied look on my face.

"oh you wanted fire? Sorry Cheryl bombshell my specialty is ice" I said before turning on my heels and leaving the classroom without hesitation, leaving a room full of shocked students.


I sat on the couch in the student lounge flicking through a magazine, an hour after what had happened with Cheryl, surprisingly the principal hadn't come to tell me how stupid it was for me to have done that to a classmate but she had it coming to her.

I didn't even look up when I heard someone walk into the student lounge until they stood right beside me. I looked up to see Archie staring back down at me with a confused and almost angry look on his face.

"Ronnie what the hell happened before? You hit cheryl?!" He said loudly but because I was so drunk I acted completely differently and shook my head as I went back to reading.

He pulled the magazine from my hands "hey give that back!" I yelled but he didn't budge "Veronica why did you do it" he said "Cheryl just pushes my buttons" I said and stood up as I went to rip the book from his hand but I missed and stumbled, Archie quickly caught me.

"Are you drunk right now?" He asked as I pushed him off me. I did not want anyone touching me "so what if I am Archie. It doesn't matter to me or anyone else in this damn town" I said "Ronnie it matters to me. What happened to all your big plans to start up a rum business like your dad and own a speakeasy like you talked about" he asked looking deep into my eyes. I was crumbling, crumbling under that amazing gaze.

"Because Archie, it's like there was this train that was heading to the rest of my life and I just.... missed it"

Endless / VarchieDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora