Chapter 18

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Archies POV

I walked with Veronica up the stairs to the Pembrooke, nervous about having dinner with her parents. It was like a test for me even though her parents still didn't know about Veronica and I, but Veronica thought it was a better idea to accept the invitation to not seem so suspicious.

We walked up the stairs and stopped at the door of the pembrooke, my hands started to sweat as I rubbed them on my pants. Veronica looked at me "mentioning our relationship to them would be a disaster of epic proportions, so try not to?" She asked me. I nodded "yeah I agree, I won't say anything" I replied.

Veronica smiled in my direction as she opened the door and we took the elevator up to the Pembrooke apartment. Veronica unlocked the door and we walked inside to find Hiram and Hermione waiting for us at the dining room table.

I couldn't believe I agreed to this, dinner with a mafia boss, but this was for Veronica not me.

I nodded my head at Veronicas parents, trying to keep my fear from reaching my voice "thank you for inviting me Mr and Mrs Lodge" I said as I sat down on the opposite side of the table to them and Veronica beside me.

"Your very welcome Archie" Hermione smiled. I had a feeling she wasn't someone to worry about, that it was really Hiram pulling Hermiones strings like she was a puppet.

Hiram cleared his throat as he picked up his cutlery and looked at me "so Archie what exactly do you do? What hobbies do you like" he asked, cutting up is food as he talked.

"I play football and sometimes do music" I replied "but if I'm not there I'm usually helping my dad down at Andrews construction" I said.

Hiram frowned as he looked up at me, his face stern, sending chills down my spine "Andrews? Your Fred's son?" He asked.

I swallowed slightly and nodded "yeah I am" I said nervously. Hiram chuckled sarcastically as he moved his gaze from me to Veronica "you brought an Andrews here mija?" He asked her. Veronica sighed "daddy don't..." she said.

"Veronica get him out of here" Hiram said harshly. I rubbed the back of my head, confused about the situation unfolding in front of me but I stood up "it's ok, I'll let myself out" I said and walked to the door. I heard someone following me, I turned around to see Veronica "wait please don't go" she pleads. I sigh softly "he doesn't want me here Ronnie"

"He doesn't but I do" she said softly to him "sneak around the back to my window and meet me in my room" she whispered. I nodded my head.

*half an hour later*

Veronicas POV

I slowly walk back towards my room after a lengthy discussion with my father. Well him yelling, me listening. I stopped outside my bedroom door to fix myself up, my father wasn't happy about me bringing his rival companies son to his home. Luckily he didn't put the dots together and realise Archie and I were dating or who knows what he would have done.

I open the door to my room to see Archie pacing back and forth across the room, his hair a mess from him running his hands through it. He saw me and rushed over "I thought I was going to get caught in here" he chuckled softly but started to frown when he noticed my pink cheek.

He lightly put his hand on it "Ronnie..." she whispered. I looked down, avoiding his gaze "it's nothing" I mumble. Archie lifted my chin so I could look at him again "did your dad do that to you? Did he hit you?" He asked quietly.

I felt a tear fall down from my face as I nod, Archie wraps his arms around me protectively "I'm so sorry Ronnie" he whispered, kissing my bruising cheek. I looked up into his eyes, feeling like I was stuck in a trance. I inched my lips closer to his, forgetting everything except Archie as I pressed my lips against his and we started to kiss.

Archie hadn't pushed me to do anything with him since the incident with Reggie but I was ready, I want this, I needed this.

Archie pulled away as I kissed him harder "are you sure?" He asked worried "positive" I replied as I connected our lips again.

I felt his hands go down to my thighs, I jumped up into his arms and wrapped my legs around his waist and arms around his neck and he held my legs, walking me to the bed. He dropped me down gently onto the bed on my back, he hovered over me as he trailed kisses from my lips to my jawline and neck.

I grabbed the bottom of his shirt pulling it off him and throwing it across the room, he pulled my shirt off me, exposing my body to him while his hands slowly reached behind my back, unclipping my bra.

His hands trailed down to the waist band of my skirt and the rest was history.

I hate writing smut...

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