Chapter 12

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Veronicas POV

I woke up the next morning still feeling his imprinted touch all over me so I took another long shower.

Once I was out I changed into a skirt and a long sleeve top to cover my arms. I went downstairs where Betty and Alice were waiting at the table with breakfast. I sat down next to Betty who smiled at me "Thank you again Mrs Cooper for letting me stay here for a few days" I said as kindly as possible but only got a simple nod and glare in return.

"I am so not excited for this test today Betty" I said as I picked up my knife and fork but as I did my sleeve came up revealing my bruises. Betty immediately grabbed my arm making me wince, she rolled up my sleeve further and gasped softly seeing the marks "Veronica what is this" she asked worriedly. I ripped my arm away from her and covered it again "Its nothing" I stood up "Can we get going? I don't want to be late for school" I said quickly.

I could tell Betty was really worried about me but I didn't want to tell her in case she told Archie or brought it up with Reggie, that would be chaos. Betty nodded hesitantly and grabbed her bag before saying goodbye to her mom and starting to walk to school.

Once we arrived at school Betty and I went our seperate ways for our different classes, even though she tried to get me to let her stay with me for the day, I declined. But then again as soon as I was alone my chest tightened and my palms began to sweat. I didn't want to be alone right now but I knew I had no choice in the matter, besides I had to be strong like I had always been taught to.

I shut my locker after getting my books for class but as I turned around I walked straight into a hard chest "sorry!" I said quickly until I looked up realising it was Archie "What. Are you stalking me now?" I snapped causing Archie to sigh "no I came to explain what happened last night" he said. Last night, that was the last thing I wanted to talk about. I just wanted to forget everything and move on even though everywhere I look reminds me of what happened.

"About how you cheated on me? No I'm fine thanks" I went to push past him when he grabbed my shoulder "wait" He said but his actions made me jump and my eyes widen in fear "get off me!" I yelled and Archie immediately let go while frowning "Ronnie I'm sorry. Are you ok-" I couldn't hear anymore because I had already run off too the bathroom, my breathing out of control with tears streaming down my face.

I paced back and forth in the bathroom before stopping at one of the mirrors and looked at myself. I hated what was looking back at me, I was so broken and I didn't know how to put the pieces back together and I don't think I ever will. I started breaking down crying and punched the mirror as hard as I could causing it to shatter and fall to the floor. I heard the door open as someone rushed over to me.

I turned and melted into there arms not even caring who it was. I breathed in Bettys scent and heard her whispering kind words into my ear as I cried into her shoulder.

Archies POV

I wanted to chase after Veronica and I tried to before I was stopped by Valerie who stood in my way "hey handsome looks like your girl isn't doing so good" she smirked knowing full well she had caused this. My anger started to rise just by looking at her, I clenched my fists together to stop myself from hitting her.

"Why? Why the hell would you do that to her. She never did anything to you!" I yelled. She laughed "your right she didn't, but you did and she was just the perfect way to get what I wanted" She said "And what was that?" I asked angrily


Thank you for getting me to 100 reads! It means so much to me!

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