Chapter 14

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Veronicas POV

It had been a couple of days since my.... incident. I was back at home and had locked myself up in my room not going out or letting anyone in, I also hadn't eaten in days. My parents explained to me that Archie found me and took me to the hospital but as soon as he knew I was going to be ok, he left and never visited the hospital again. I was on suicide watch after my attempt of overdosing but my parents were too wrapped up in themselves and there own lives that they didn't even bother to check on me, only my mother did on rare occasions.

I laid in my bed, on my back staring at the ceiling, wondering how everything went so wrong. My mind was shook of my thoughts when I heard someone lightly knock on my bedroom door, assuming it was my parents "go away" I said quickly and bluntly "it's Archie can I come in?" He asked in a soft husky voice, the voice I had missed so dearly.

Just hearing his voice again made my eyes water, he caused a lot of this pain but he also took away my pain when I first arrived here. I slowly pulled myself up off my bed and opened the door revealing myself to him, I was wearing blue silk pjs that I hadn't changed since I got home and my hair was a mess, sticking out in all directions and my eyes were bloodshot.

I usually hated looking this way in front of someone but right now I didn't care. He looked at me with sad eyes "Ronnie..." he started "Don't. I don't want pity" I muttered.

Archie nodded softly "I need to explain to you what happened at the party" he said and I immediately cringed at the thought and walked away from the door. Archie stepped into my room. I started to get angry that he thought he could just fix things this easily "I promise you I didn't kiss her, she kissed me. It was Valerie my ex girlfriend who was still pissed at me for dumping her and ruining her rep" Archie said and I clenched my fists together tightly and snapped "Does it look like I care!? I don't want to hear about your past relationships or about your crazy ex, I have bigger problems right now Archie! Like how alone I am in this world and how unlovable I am. I'm worthless and I just.... give up! I give up!" I yelled while tears streamed down my face, by now Archie was a few feet in front of me and I broke down, my legs crumbled beneath me, Archie grabbed me and pulled me into a tight hug as I broke down in his arms "shhh. I've got you" he whispered into my hair.

I felt Archie scoop me up into his arms and carry me back to my bed but I was too weak to stop him so I just let him. He put me down gently and pulled the covers over my body. He walked around to the other side of the bed and climbed under the covers with me, he put his arms around my small body while holding me close to him. To give me some sort of security.


A few hours after many, many tears  I had slowly calmed down and Archie still laid with me wrapped up in his arms. I regretted yelling, I regretted everything. Archie understood that I was hurting but he didn't even know the half of it. I had time to think and I knew Archie would never try and purposely hurt me, besides I really missed him and needed him back in my life again.

"I believe you" I whispered, it was the first time I had spoken in hours. He gave me a confused expression "I believe you that you didn't really mean to hurt me" I said and he gave me a small smile "thank you" he said as he kissed the side of my head, making me feel safe again.

I didn't know if I should tell him about everything else going on in my life but decided that was a story for another day.

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