Chapter 13

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Veronicas POV

After a long chat with Betty, well her talking me listening, I still didn't feel up to completing the rest of the day so I went to leave and go back to Bettys house. As I walked into the hallway I froze when I saw Reggie leaning against the lockers, staring back at me with his signature smirk on his lips. Classes had just started again so we were alone making me feel even more unsafe. He started walking towards me intending to walk past but he stopped beside me leaning in close enough to my ear that I could feel his breath "last night was fun V-Lo. Let's do it again some time" he said while he grazed his hand up my thigh and winked causing me to flinch but I didn't move as I was too scared.

He laughed softly before walking away. My heart started beating out of chest as I quickly rushed out of the school and ran back to Bettys house. On my way back I checked my phone noticing heaps of missed calls and texts from my parents but I didn't care. They didn't care. I went to the kitchen to grab a glass of water when Alice walked in making me jump in fright "Mrs Cooper you scared me".

"Tell me Veronica. What happened at that party last night?" Alice asked making me stop. How did she know anything at all about last night. I hadn't told Betty anything other than about what happened with Archie but Alice hated Archie, she wouldn't care "I take by your reaction something did. At least my Betty was smart enough to leave before anything bad happened but you stayed. Why?"

I frowned, Alice seemed to think I was the mastermind behind everything that was going on in this town, that I was worse than my parents but I wasn't in the right head space to deal with this right now "Alice I really-" she stopped me as she kept taunting me and asking me millions of questions which was making my head spin. I quickly rushed away from her and ran upstairs to the bathroom locking the door behind me having another panic attack.

I went straight to the medicine cabinet and used my shaking hands to fiddle through the pill bottles. When I found the one I wanted I grabbed it and opened it pouring as many as I could into my hand before swallowing them down with a big mouthful of water.

My breathing started to slow down as the pills started to take there effect on my body. I turned on a cold shower and stepped inside and slid down the side of the wall so I was sitting underneath the water feeling my mind drift away to nothing.

Archies POV

Valerie wanted revenge? That made no since she was the one who kissed Reggie, I didn't cheat on her "you told the whole school about what happened between us and now not even Reggie, will date me. It's all your fault that I'm the scum of this school now" she snapped. This was so irrelevant and I didn't care what Valerie had to say I just wanted to check on Veronica.

"I'm leaving" I turned away from her and started walking "I heard Veronica had fun the other night after you left. Such a shame you weren't there" she said smugly but I had no clue what she meant by that so I ignored it.

I went to the student lounge where Jughead and Betty were sitting together working on homework, they looked up when I entered but there faces weren't as friendly as usual "have you guys seen Ronnie?" I asked. Betty looked at me "she went home to my house Arch, she's still pretty shaken up after what you did to her" she said bluntly.

I shook my head "that's why I need to talk to her. I didn't do what she thinks I did" I said quickly but they ignored me and went back to there work. Without hesitation I left the school grounds and drove to Bettys house. I knocked on the door but received no answer. I opened it anyway "hello?" I called out but no one seemed to be home, that's what I thought until I heard the shower running. I went upstairs and paused at the bathroom door contemplating whether this was a good idea or not but I knocked anyway.

No one replied or even made a sound, all I could hear was the water. I opened the door and walked in. The shower curtain was pulled back and I saw Veronica laying unconscious in the shower with her hair and clothes soaking wet and a empty pill bottle on the floor. I quickly rushed to her.


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