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It was a sunny day in New Jersey. Most people would find a day like this happy, but for my family, it's another miserable day for us. "Ashley, do you and your brother want to go over to the diner?" my mother asked. The diner was my favorite place. We didn't have to pay because the owner knew what we were going through. We were poor. "Sure. I'll be back before dinner. Come on Gino!" I said. Gino ran over to me, and we walked out the door. The diner was about fifty feet from our house. There was a room behind the diner and I had no idea what was in it. I was desperate to find out.

We walked to the front door and pushed it open. "Ashley, Gino, How are ya!" we heard as we walked in. It was Diane, the cashier. "Good, thank you Diane." I said. She had a friendly smile on her face. "What would you like, but you know the deal, it cost 1 smile." Diane said with a smile. "I'll have an apple juice and an apple." I said looking over the menu.

"Who is that?" I thought. I was looking over at a girl with short black hair with gold highlights. She was flipping pancakes. Her nose was tiny. She had black eyeliner. She caught me staring at her. She motioned me to come over. I had my apple juice and apple so I walked over. I didn't even realize Gino had his food. "Why were you staring at me?" the women asked. "I've just never seen you before, and I know every one in here. What's your name?" I asked. "Dove." she said."My name is Ashley." I said. Dove was a pretty name.

"Do you want to see something?" Dove asked. I nodded. She walked over to a door. This was the room behind the diner. This was exciting. She put her hand on the nob and turned it. The door opened. From outside I saw a dark red room. I walked in and almost fainted. It was Harry Styles and Liam Payne from One Direction! I almost fainted. I can't believe I was standing six feet away from them. "Hello Dove. Who are these people?" Harry asked Dove in his accent. He looked at me and Gino. Liam was in a chair in the corner. He was playing a game. "WHOA! IS THAT THE NEW CALL OF DUTY!!!!!" Gino exclaimed. "Um, yeah. What's your name?" Liam asked Gino. "Gino." He replied.

"Ok, we know his name now, but who are you?" Harry asked as he pointed to me. "Hi Harry, I'm Ashley. I'm a huge fan of One Direction." I said. "Ok." he said. While me, Harry, and Dove were talking, Gino and Liam were playing Call of Duty. "Look, they're like the same person." Dove laughed. They were doing the exact same thing. Keeping their eyes on the TV and hitting a bunch of buttons on the control.

"So Harry, the concert is in four days right?" Dove asked. "Yeah, do you have tickets Ashley?" Harry asked me. I frowned. "No. We went once but we were on the the highest row. We don't have enough money to go again. My family is poor." I said. Harry was thinking. "Well, I feel bad. Here, have these." Harry handed me two 'Meet 'n' Greet' tickets. "Are you sure? I thought you would rather give them to someone older, because I'm 12." I said. I really wish I didn't say that because I wanted the tickets. "Yeah, I'm sure." Harry said. He hugged me sideways. That showed how much Harry liked me. (As a friend)

I heard the door open and guess who walked in. Niall. "Oh, who are these people?" Niall said in his Irish voice. "Niall, this is Ashley and Gino." Harry said. I waved but Gino never looked up. "Hi." I said. "Hello Ashley." Niall smiled. "Hi Dove." Niall said. She smiled. "Well Harry, Liam, we have to go and practice." Niall said "Okay, can Ashley and Gino come to?" Harry begged. "Sure, Let's go." Niall motioned."Just sayin', me and Gino have to be home before 5:00." I said. "No problem, we finish at 10:00." Niall stated.

Liam and Gino walked next to each other. I walked next to Harry and Dove walked next to Niall. I can't believe I was friends with Harry Styles. Even though it was summer, in school I could get popular just to see him!

When we got there I saw Zayn and Louis. This was definitely the best day of my life. "Hi Harry, Liam, Niall, and Dove." Zayn said with a smile."Hi guys." Louis said after Zayn. They all waved. "Who are these people?" Louis asked and pointed to me and Gino. That was like the third person to ask that, I think. "This is Ashley." Harry said and smiled at me. "And this is Gino." Liam said and pointed to my brother. "Nice to meet you guys." Louis said.

"BOYS! TIME TO SING!"someone yelled. "Got to go, c'mon guys." Harry said. They all ran to the studio to practice. Me, Gino, and Dove watched through the glass.

'She's been my queen since we were sixteen'

'We want the same things'

'We dream the same dreams, alright, alright'

'I got it all cause she is the one'

'Her mom calls me love, her dad calls me son'


'I know, I know, I know for sure'

'Everybody wanna steal my girl'

'Everybody wanna take her heart away'

'Couple billion in the whole wide world'

'Find another cause she belongs to me'

'Everybody wanna steel my girl'

'Everybody wanna take her heart away'

'Couple billion in the whole wide world'

'Find another one cause she belongs to me'




"ALRIGHT THAT'S A RAP BOYS!" the man said threw the microphone.

They walked out of the studio. "That was good." I said to Harry. "Thanks, we get that a lot." He smiled. We went to a bench and started talking.

I looked at my watch, 4:30. "Oh, sorry Harry. We got to go. Bye. Gino time to leave." I said. Harry hugged me and smiled. "Bye Ash. See you tomorrow." Harry said. Gino said bye to Liam and we ran home.

"Hey guys. Here is some bred. After you're done go to bed." My mom said. I ate the bred and went to bed. I didn't even tell my mom about the tickets.I could just tell her in the morning.
Authors Note: Good things never happen to Ashley. This was a surprise. I hope you guys like my book, also I hope you keep reading. I'm sorry if this stunk. It's my first book.Vote please. Please give me feedback on how you like my book. If you have better ideas for the story comment below please. Thanks. :)

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