the movies

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it's now been a week since me and Emily went roller skating, we had a few other hang outs but nothing that crazy. today we are going to see a movie, i'm really excited cause it's a lgbtq romance and you barley ever see those. i'm dressing a little more fancy then i usually do because it's a bit of a less casual hang out. i put on a long sleeve white top and over that a black velvet dress, then i slip on some doc martens.

"hey why are you dressed like that? you better not be going on a date." my dad says barging into my room. "i'm not going on a date dad," i say grabbing my phone, "i'm going to a movie with em"." i inform my dad trying to squeeze past him trying to go downstairs. "hey!" my dad snaps trying to keep me from leaving, "you don't dress like that when your hanging out with one of your friends, so whose the guy?!" i'm able to push him out of the way and yell at him to f*ck off and that i'm just hanging out with em and i run down the stairs out the door.

once i arrive at Emilys house i feel less scared and knock on the door, Isabel answers like usual and invites me in. right when i walk in i see emily, she's wearing a similar outfit to mine but with a black top and fishnets. "wow em you look, amazing!" i tell her jaw dropped. "thank you so much! you look so gorgeous Bella." she smiles giving me a hug. "ok well Emily mom will be driving both of you to your movie and then dropping Bella off at her house at the end ok?" me and Emily nod and then Yvonne brings us to the car.

"sooo your seeing a romance movie huh?"Emilys mom says with a little bit of teasing in her voice. "mom stop" Emily whispers looking embarrassed. once we arrive to the movies Yvonne gives us each some money for snacks and she drives away. "ok what should we get?!" Emily says looking at all the options. "ohhh i want skittles and a small root beer!" i say putting money on the counter. emily gets a bag of popcorn and a icee. we make our way into the movie theater and sit down close to the screen. we came a bit late so the movie starts

there's a young girl who moves to a new school, she meets another girl and they slowly fall in love. it's been about an hour of the movie and me and Emily havnt talked much through it so i ask her what she thinks of it. "i like it, and the one girl with black hair is super pretty" she says whispering into my ear. eventually the two girls kiss and i can feel my cheeks heating up. i look over at Emily and she's also blushing and figuring with the straw for her drink.

the movie ends with the girls dating and running away from there family's to be together. it was a super sweet movie and i think emily liked it too. "wait em!" i say looking at her bag of popcorn "you didn't finish your popcorn!" Emily looks into her bag and laughs, "hey i have a fun idea, let's toss the popcorn at each other and try to catch on in our mouths!" i agree and she grabs some and throws it in the air. i catch one in my mouth and throw my hands in the air from excitement. "ok, now it's my turn to throw!" i say grabbing the bag. i toss two pieces in the air and she catches both of them. "haha that's how you do it!!" Emily says laughing.

i look at her smile, she's beautiful. she swallows the popcorn and looks at me, "haha what are you looking at silly?" Emily says giggling. without thinking i lean into her and press my lips against hers, i rest my hands on her shoulders and then pull away. i start burning up and i can feel she is too. i instantly sit myself back into my seat and start breathing heavily. Emilys mouth is wide open in shock. "umm we should probably go now" i say looking at the ground.

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