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i get a text back from Emily telling me to sneak around to the backyard so that her parents don't know i'm here. i slowly walk around the house and Emily is there waiting for me. "oh, hi Emily!..." i say walking up to her. she looks likes she's been crying, "wait em are you ok, you look like you were crying." i say putting my hand on her shoulder. "ya i'm fine," Emily sniffles "just watched a sad movie haha." i don't believe her but if she dosent want to tell me i shouldn't pressure her.

"so why are you here? like did something happen?" me and Emily go up to her play structure and it reminds me of the first day we met. i told her the whole story of my dad yelling at me. "WAIT OMG THATS NOT OK AT ALL. and he thought we were dating?..." "i know like what's wrong with him, and ya he thinks we're dating, even though we are just friends." Emily still looks sad, i wish i knew why.

"sooo, what should we do?" Emily asks. i tell her we could watch youtube and i open my phone and press on a gaming video of some kind. "it's super cold out! i should have brought a jacket!" i whisper rubbing my hands on my arms trying to warm them up. "oh Bella if your cold then like we can just cuddle a little bit haha, it's not going to be weird though don't worry, i mean like you said, were just friends right?" she whispers leaning backwards giving me space to lay down. "oh ya, haha" i cuddle into her lap and smile.

we keep watching the video and i look over at Emily and see that she fell asleep. i snuggle into her more so that me and her stay warm. once the youtube video is done i decide that i should bring her inside the house. i pick her up and hold her in my arms. i bring her into the house and sneak up the stairs. i put her in her bed and tuck her in. "hey wait wha-" Emily says waking up "em it's ok it's just me to back to sleep" i say giving her a hug. she instantly falls back asleep.

"wait Bella why are you here?" i hear Eliana say getting out of bed. i tell her what happened and she says that if we tell her parents what's going on they will understand. we tell them and they say i can stay! "hey mom, i'm safe but i'm staying at Emily's for the night. as long as dads being a jerk i won't be home. i'm sick of him. i love you and i might see you tomorrow." i text my mom. "so where should i sleep?" i ask Eliana. "well you and Emily are good friends right? you can just sleep next to her, it's a bit of a small space but it's a bit late to set up another mattress."

i grab some blankets and squeeze next to Emily in her bed. i cuddle her a little bit. i love her so much, who knew someone could be so perfect. i get a text back from my mom. "i'm going to talk to your dad and i hope you come back home tomorrow. i'm glad your at Emily's though because i know you're safe there. i'm so sorry about your dad, he can get pretty aggressive sometimes. i love you goodnight!❤️" my moms text makes me happy and i fall asleep with a smile on my face.

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