Chapter One

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"Happy Birthday Harry." Daisy Potter says softly, leaning her head on her brothers shoulder as he draws a cake in the dirt on the ground.

"Thanks Dais." Harry mutters sadly.

"Just think." She nudges him lightly "one year closer to getting out of this place."

"Yeah." He laughs wryly "where ever this place is." He looks around in disgust at the room they are in.

"What do you think had uncle Vernon so scared?" Daisy asks.

"I don't know." Harry shrugs

"I wonder how all those letters got in. It was like-!" She cuts herself off to lower her voice "it was like magic." She whispers so quietly Harry can barely hear her. "Why do you suppose they hate us so much?"

"You've heard Aunt Petunia talk about our mum and dad before. You fill in the blanks." Harry remarks sarcastically. But his sarcastic wit doesn't break the kind smile Daisy always wears. It amazes Harry how she never really gets upset with people or situations. Even when Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia are being horrid. He can always rely on his sister to see the glass half full.

"Yeah but for you really believe them? Believe when they say dad was a drunk and mum was a good for nothing?" Daisy asks

"Don't you?" Harry asks "we don't even remember them!"

"I don't believe them for a second." Daisy shakes her head "I have these dreams Harry. Mums always in them. She is so beautiful and we talk! I-" she stops when there is a bang at the door. Followed by the door collapsing. Dudley jumps up and runs to hide behind the couch. Harry and Daisy run to hide behind the fireplace.

"WHO'S THERE?" Vernon bellows as he walks down the stairs with a rifle. Petunia cowering behind him.

Dudley and Petunia scream as the door crashes down and a large, hairy man walks in. Daisy grabs Harry's wrist pulling him further back into their hiding spot. "Sorry 'bout that." A fro raspy voice says as the man in question fixes the door back into place.

"I demand you leave at once! You are breaking an entering!" Vernon demands.

The man looks unamused as he says, "dry up Dursley you great prune." Vernon fires a shot from his gun but not before the man twists the tip of the barrel up, causing the bullet to shoot through the roof. The man then looks towards Dudley with a happy smile. "Why I haven't seen you since you was a baby Harry! But you are a bit more long then I expected. Particularly right in the middle." The man laughs a light hearted laugh as he placed his hands on his big stomach.

Dudleys jaw drops open, "I-I-I'm not Harry." He stutters. Harry takes this opportunity to make himself knows much to Daisys dismay. She tried to pull him back but instead she gets pulled out into view with him.

"I am." Harry states.

"Why of course you are." The man smiles. "And you are little Daisy yes?" Daisy nods giving an awkward smile under the bigger mans watchful eye. "I got something for ya." He reaches into his back pocket "I sat on it at some point but I imagine it tastes all the same." He pulls out a white box handing it to Harry "baked it myself." He adds proudly. Daisy reaches forward to open the box as Harry holds it in both hands. 'Happee Birthdae Harry.'

"Thank you!" Harry exclaims

Daisy looks up to the man with a soft smile. One that reminds him much of her mother's smile. "How did you know?" She asks

"Well ya see I was friends with yer mum and dad. Long time ago it was." The man nods it away "not everyday your young man turns 11 now is it?" The man asks. He sits down taking out an umbrella and lighting the fireplace. Everyone's eyes widen in shock.

Daisy Lily PotterWhere stories live. Discover now