Last Christmas

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Last Christmas, I gave you my heart
But the very next day you gave it away
This year, to save me from tears
I'll give it to someone special

Evie's PoV

It was almost the Christmas half term and I couldn't wait to have some time with my dad and my siblings. It had been 3 months and my mum still hadn't come back from Las Vegas. Me and my dad expected that she wouldn't but we didn't tell my siblings cause we thought it would upset them.

I was sat in a coffee shop finishing some work for uni and listening to 'Last Christmas' by Wham with my headphones in. I always sat at the corner table when I did you uni work because I didn't want to be surrounded by people.

I was writing out an essay on my laptop, tapping my fingers on the table as I thought about what to write next. I took a sip of my hot chocolate and read over the last few sentences I'd written. My calmness was suddenly when someone jumped me from behind.

"Hi." Aaron said rom behind me, making me jump.

"Jesus you could have given me a heart attack." I laughed as my heart rate calmed down. "You do remember that I told you that I had a heart condition right. "

"Oh god I'm sorry I forgot." He said looking up at me.

"I'm fine it was a joke." I laughed. "The heart attack part. It was all fixed by surgery I'm fine now." 

"So how are you?" I asked him 

"Fine I guess."

"Only I guess?"

"Just some shit going on, I can sort it out."


"Fells weird not seeing you all the time." He said before taking a sip of his drink.

"You can see me on your own." I say looking at him over the top of my laptop.

"What are your writing." He said getting up from his seat to look at me screen.

"An essay for uni." I looked over at him as he read through what I'd written. Stop it Evie, he's not yours and never will be.

"Excuse me." We heard from behind us. I turned around to see a girl who looked about 13. "I um just wanted to say that I love your movies." She smiled looking Aaron before looking back down at the floor.

"Thank you." He smiled at her. "You want a picture?" She nodded excitedly.

"She was also saying your really pretty and felt bad that she didn't know who you were." Her mum explained as she rolled her eyes from embarrassment.

"Mum." She hissed.

"Oh you wouldn't know who I am, I'm no one famous." I giggled. "And thank you, I don't get called pretty often."

time skip!

Me and Aaron we're sat in his car. He'd offered to drive me back after 'thinking I would die' because of when he scared me

"Are you sure your ok? You seem really off."

"Me and Sam." He paused. "We're not doing great. I think we might be getting divorce." 

"Oh I'm sorry." 

"It's ok, it's not your fault. You don't seem yourself either? You ok?" 

"Lizzie needs her mum, I can cope fine without her, Eli thinks I'm his mum most of the time and Eddie never really got on with her but Lizzie needs her. She's a teenage girl she needs a mum." 

"Do you know when she's coming back?"

"Me and my dad don't know if she's coming back." I looked down at my lap and picked at the nail polish on my fingers. 

"Well the mood really changed there didn't it." He laughed. 

"I guess it did." I smiled, not looking up. 

"Mind if I put the radio on?" 

"Go ahead." 

Once bitten and twice shy
I keep my distance, but you still catch my eye
Tell me baby, do you recognize me?
Well, it's been a year, it doesn't surprise me

"This the best Christmas song. And Do They Know It's Christmas, Wonderful Christmastime and Merry Xmas. Anyone who says otherwise is lying to themselves." I laughed.

"You need to meet my friends Alana and Lila, that sounds like something straight from one of them."

"I'd love to meet them." I smiled. 

"I'll give them your number." He smiled. I looked over at him, his eyes where still focused on the road ahead of him because the traffic had begun to move again. 

I love him 

a/n- I'm so sorry I haven't updated this in so long, in my head this was updated in November but apparently not. I hope you enjoyed this chapter! 

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