After You

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Cara P.O.V.

Michael and I ran into the hoitpal. I was still covered in my mum blood. I bang on the desk, biting my lip.

"HELLO!!" I yell, seeing a nurse walking over.

"We need to get you to a room!" she says grabbing a nurse beside her.

"No we don't. Is Luke Hemmings here?!" Michael says standing right beside me.

"He is. Are you family?"

"I'm not, but Cara is" Michael said.

"He's in surgry right now. You can wait with your friends." she says pointing to them.

I walk over hugging Emma tight crying. She was crying rubbing my back. Kyle sitting in a chair biting his lip as his foot was tapping the ground.

"How Ashton and Calum?"

"They wouldn't tell us because we're not family." Kyle says tearing up.

"Hey, Calum will be okay and so will Ashton." I rub his back, he gave me a bear hug crying.

Michael is biting his nails watching the clock on the wall tick by.

We waited over two hours and we still haven't heard anything. I went back up and ask how Luke doing since he the only one we can know about. The nurse said he still in surgery. I sigh pacing the waiting room.

We heard a doctor call my name. I look up walking over to him.

"Is Luke okay?"

"He will be okay. We had to redo his leg. It didn't hit any important blood vessels but it will take a while before he can walk again. He will be in a wheelchair for a month at least then he will be able to start therapy for his leg. He's in the ICU now." (Intensive Care Unit.)

I sigh a relive. "How is Ashton Irwin and Calum Hood?"

"I can't tell you that."

"Of course, I understand. May I see Luke?"

"You can, but know he's still waking up. He's in room 12." the doctor says walking away.

"Thank you." I went over to our friends.

"So?" Michael says standing up. I told them what going on. Emma sat down crying.

"I want to see him." she says.

"I know, let me go see him, when he's out of the ICU then you can. I would think."

I walk to room 12, of course it had to be room 12. I open the door slowly, seeing Luke leg wrapped up and he hair a mess. I smile softly walking over to him, pulling a chair beside his bed.

"Hi bro" I say taking his hand lightly. "Thanks for saving my life. I wish I save yours sooner. Mum was right. I am dumb for not calling the cops. I just wanted to be your superman. You have always been mine. We don't know about Calum or Ashton because we're not family. You would have been so proud of Michael those, he stayed with me as Kyle and Emma came with you all. I'm sorry you a shitty sister."

He squeeze my hand, I look at him, he try to take off the oxygen mask. I move it down a little.

"You're not shitty sis, mum did this not you. I'm happy you're okay." he says putting the mask back on, breathing in deep then out.

I nod and kiss his hand. "Emma sends her love. Oh, also Kyle and Michael. Only family can be back here, wish sucks because we don't know what's happening with Calum and Ashton. I said tearing up.

Luke cough removing the mask once more. "Those guys are tough.They will be fine. Hey sis."

"Yeah Luke?" I look at him.

"I'm sorry for not telling you how I feel about Emma. I really do like her a lot. I didn't mean to hurt you along the way. I've always had a crush on her. She get me like the way Ashton gets you."

"I shouldn't have been so harsh to you with Emma. She's been my friend since first grade when she move here. If you hurt her, your ass is back here." I say giggling, letting go of his hand.

I look at my phone to see a text from Emma saying Calum mum and Ashton mum are here.

"It look like your friends mum's are here. I'm going to see what up then come back and tell you okay? You rest up."

Luke smile closing his eyes. I went to the waiting room seeing Calum mum. I hug her. She held me.

'How is Luke? Is he okay?" she says

"He's fine. I'm so sorry for not telling you what was going on."

"It's alright honey."

"How Calum?"

"He will be fine. The bullet miss him by a few inches for him to be paralyzed." she said in tears.

"I'm so sorry Mrs. Hood." I say sitting down beside her and Mrs. Irwin.

"How Ashton?" Kyle ask.

"He will be wearing a sling on his shoulder for a year at least because he got hit twice in the same place. He lost some blood but he stable now." she says as Michael hugs her.

"Joy, how did we not see Liz do this?"

"I don't know Anne, but know this Cara. Anne and I are going to fight for you to live with one of us since you are 16 and Luke can live with one of us to." Joy says wiping my tears away.

"Thank you both so much"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2022 ⏰

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