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Nandini pov

Oh aiyappa this week was full of surprises, I mean i was about to visit AMMS VILLA alas I wasn't able to reach there and then that arrogant jerk, gosshhh but how can i forgot about that all time not so favorite enemy of our's miss Alya Saxena....

Yeah in this week I completely forgot about her, one week ago when she was bullying some freshers i rescue them and teach her a lesson, which she consider it as her insult and takes a vow to take revenge from me, but i don't need to worry about it till the time my friends are with me,

I was passing from the corridor which was near the ground I saw rishab who was taking to a boy I found something fishy so i hide myself behind the pillar to see what's happening over there,

Oh aiyappa he is giving him some money but for what?? On hearing their conversation I got to know that he is stealing the test paper of coming exam, I decided to call principal,

I guess I should message mukti Or aarav about this, I thought to message them but then I realise that I forgot my phone in classroom,

Aiyappa, how stupid I am but one thing is for sure I can't let them do this, so I came out behind the pillar and warn rishab that he shouldn't do that, he laughed at me and challenged me to do whatever I can.....

I snatched that papers from his hand, he take out knife from his pocket and tried to hit me, with great difficulty I came out from his reach and ran out from there to save my life, I run as fast as I can, I look back to see him because of this I bump with a boy,

It was manik I asked him for help, on seeing his face I feel relieved, he hold my shoulders and moved me aside....

Rishab- hey dude stay out from this matter or else...

Manik- oh I really got scared

Saying this he hold my wrist and started walking towards him, I looked him being confused....

Rishab- good for you now you can go....

He was about to give my hand to him, rishab smiles whereas I was heart broken I don't know why but I feel so disappointed, I didn't tried to protest may be because of shocked
Before rishab could hold my hand he get rewarded a punch by manik, did I see it really?? Did he really punch him???

Rishab- you have messed with a wrong person, I will make sure that you will regret it badly...

Manik- I can see that who is regretting it or you can say having pain, is it hurting too much?? Should I can the doctor???

At that time principal and other students came,

Alya- sir see from your own eyes I was telling you the truth it was nandini who had stolen test papers from your office, punish her hard....

Principal - don't come on conclusion miss alya let miss moorthy speak

Nandini - no sir, it's not the truth it wasn't me it was rishab....

Principal- rishab is she saying the truth??

Rishab- no sir she is lying it was her, and I was trying to stop her but she ran away see sir she is holding the paper....

Nandini - no sir he is lying, you can ask manik- he was here only...

Rishab- she is a liar..

Nandini - stop telling a lie, just tell him the truth...

Principal - stop it both of you, and you manik malhotra tell me what was happening here???

Manik- I don't know clearly but she is the one who was running having papers in her hands,

Principal - miss nandini moorthy do you wanna say something in your defense??

Nandini - sir I swear I am not lying trust me I am telling the truth...

Alya- sir three people are saying the same thing and even there is proof also, see these papers are in her hands what else proof do you need??

Principal -four of you in my cabin right now,

Navya- don't cry nandu please matarani will make everything alright...

Nandini - I sware I am not lying..

Cabir- we all trust you nandini...

Mukti- I won't leave that witch alya I'll kill her...

Cabir- relax lady hulk you will make the matter worse only don't do anything which will make the situation worse for her,

Principal - nandini I am really sorry to say but you are expelled from this college because all proof are against you and even manik is also gave his confession against you,

Nandini - but sir please give me a chance to explain,

Principal - I know you are a good student and you can't do something like this that's why I am giving you one week to prove your innocence,

I was searching for him, I found him walking out from the classroom, I hold his arm and drag him inside the room and asked him

Nandini - what is your problem?? Why you did this when you clearly know that it was rishab not me, you did it intentionally right??
I thought that you are arrogant, harsh spoken but i never ever thought that you are this much bad...

Manik- who the hell told you to potrait myself as a hero i am a villian and I will be that only I am not interested in being someone's hero, I am a fire I will burn everything around me including you, so it will be better for you if you will stay far away from me....
Get this thing straight in your head moorthy or else you will get hurt like this everytime....

Nandini - I hate you I really hate you manik malhotra.....


Why manik is doing that???

What nandini will do??

#Happy reading

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