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Manik-  what ?? Why are you staring at me like this???

Nandini - nothing , just wanna thank you actually if you didn't reach there on time then....

I was about to cry thinking about that horrible incident but manik's sudden question made me perplexed

Manik- btw what kind of a girl like you??

Nandini - what do you mean by this??

Manik- I mean usually girls kept pepper spray or knife along with them for their protection but you, well I guess that you must be thinking that who will try to hurt a potato I guess you were right, thank god I reach there on time or else I am afraid to think that what could had  happen with that kidnapper, poor him

Nandini - hawww like seriously how can you talk like this to a girl, mannerless monster

Manik- well where is the girl??

He tried to look here and there and behind my back as if he is trying to find someone...

I can't see a girl here, in front of me
a potato is standing who is looking like angry bird right now

Nandini - you monster I'll kill you...

Manik- try if you can potatoooo...

I ran behind him to beat him and he was running laughing loudly making me more angry, I pick up a stick from the ground and was about to beat him, but he hold my hand

Manik- nandini what are you doing ?? Lag jaegi throw it away see it has thorns

Nandini - what happen now monster manik-?? Don't you wanna make fun of me more?? Won't you call me potato.....

Manik- listen I was just kidding okay,

Nandini - now it's time for me to have fun

He was trying to stop me but I didn't want to listen to him so he started going back and I was moving forward at last we both fallen down in the mud, making ourself dirty ,

Manik- happy now?? Huh it's so dirty

Nandini - oh so monster doesn't like it right?? So let's have some fun....

Ignoring his all plead I take some mud in my hands and rub it on his face, he became irritated and I was loving this expression on his face, I again repeat this process but this time I target his arms, now that was it for him, he also takes some mud in his hands and was about to rub on my cheeks but I move backward. .

Manik- now what happen potato?? It's time to taste your own medicine, come on don't be a spoil sport....

Nandini - look manik i am sorry i was just having fun actually I was punishing you for making fun of me, for calling me potato....

Manik- oh really so then I should also give you a reward for doing this with me don't you think so miss potato???

Now again we started running but this time he was behind me and I was running to save my life at last he caught me, and hold my waist, oh aiyappa why this boy always hold my waist

I warn him by saying 'manik I am telling you don't you dare to touch me , haath mat lagana mujhe

I closed my eyes because I know that now he will take revenge from me for sure

but to my surprise he rub that mud on his face giving me a shocked, before I could understand anything he rub his cheeks on mine giving me shiver, oh aiyappa this boy is so crazy, he again rub his cheeks on my another cheeks, and now he traced his finger from my shoulder to wrist lazily,

but to my surprise he rub that mud on his face giving me a shocked, before I could understand anything he rub his cheeks on mine giving me shiver, oh aiyappa this boy is so crazy, he again rub his cheeks on my another cheeks, and now he traced his...

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I was getting mad feeling his touch on my body, he hold my cheeks and comes closer to my face, he says huskily in my ears that you stopped me from touching you from my hand not from my cheeks potato

He hold my cheeks and comes more closer to my face, making butterfly goes wild in my stomach , our closeness was effecting me badly

He hold my cheeks and comes more closer to my face, making butterfly goes wild in my stomach , our closeness was effecting me badly

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#happy reading

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#happy reading

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