On Your Bed

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Every minute with Yaaba was a good one. The girl can make him hard within seconds but he really cherished the way she made him feel. She made him feel young and carefree. He could be anything and anyone around her. She didn't expect much from him. She didn't demand unlike what most girls do nowadays.
He just had to be himself around her.
"What's making you think so much?" He heard her ask.
He smirked and looked at her, "Just this girl I've been talking to"
He saw her mood changed totally. She looked sad.
"Oh okay" Yaaba said softly and turned the other way. He saw that she was jealous and muttered, "I wonder how someone can be jealous of herself. Ei"
He sneaked a glance at her and saw her smile a little.
"There is no need to frown. I was talking about you" He said to boost her mood.
"Whatever" she stuck her tongue out.
"Luckily for you I'm driving. I would have pulled your tongue into my mouth" he said cockily.
"Tsw. A cheek of it"
"A yansh of it rather" he said.
"You erh"
"We are here now. Let's go so I see your nyamnyama (messy) room." He parked the car and said to her.
Yaaba gasped dramatically, "Herh! How can you say that?"
"I would like to play this game with you but unfortunately I'm hungry so let's head on to your room." He said.
He heard her hiss.
"Head on so I can see your ass shake." He liked worrying her.
"I can't deal with you"
He followed Yaaba as they climbed the stairs to her room. She knocked at the door and he saw the witch open the door. It seemed she had forgotten Yaaba was standing in front of her because she blatantly ignored Yaaba and smiled brightly at LeRoy.
"Hi LeRoy" she said. Honestly, she was a beautiful girl. But he hated desperate girls and especially backbiters.
"Yaaba, can we enter already? I'm very hungry" he ignored Miriam and said to Yaaba.
"Sure." They entered the room and Yaaba directed him to her bed. Her bed was laid perfectly with a sea blue bedspread and pillow cases. She had the teddy bear he bought for her on the bed too.
"I see you kept my gift"
She rolled her eyes and went for some plates.
"Oh wow! I'm really hungry. Can I join you guys?" Miriam was really annoying him. He took out his wallet and took some money.
"Miriam, can you kindly go to Queen's market and buy me some official sheets. I need them for something" he stretched out the money to her.
He saw Miriam frown.
"If you don't want to go, it's fine." He said.
"No no no. I'll be back. Yaaba, can you escort me?" Miriam said.
Yaaba looked dumbfounded.
"Miriam please if you don't want to go, just say it. There's no need to drag Yaaba along"
"It's fine. I'll be back soon. Leave me some of the KFC" Miriam said and walked out of the room.
He saw Yaaba still looking at the door.
"What the hell is going out?" Yaaba said to no one in particular.
"I think you should be careful of Miriam."

I'm trying to make up for the time away😩😹😹😹😹😹😹💔.
Miriam is just too desperate 😩💔. Ah!!

Not edited. May contain grammatical errors.

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