↳ LEVEL 11.0

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"This weeks record?"

"One minute, forty seconds." Patty said softly as Frank shut his locker with an impressed smile.

"Y'all are fucking dorks," Jack said grumpily as he flicked off some of the spaghetti Ed had thrown at him during lunch, "Who the fuck times themselves making sandwiches?"

"Shut up, Jack," Frank rolled his eyes as he giggled, "One minute, nine seconds."

Patrick pouted and elbowed Frank who giggled again. "You win every week. This is a societal issue at this point."

"Psh, okay-" Jack snorted, "Clean water who? Dropping poverty rates where? All we should be concerned about is how shit of a wife Pat would make in the 50s."

Frank laughed quietly as he swung his bag over his shoulder.

Pat made a small noise of offense. "What? Excuse you, I would make a great wife."

"Whatever you say, Pattycakes." Frank snickered, watching as Jack stuck his tongue out at a pouting Patrick.

Pat still didn't say anything after a few minutes, clearly not wanting to incriminate himself anymore. He just sighed as the three of them squirmed their way through the school hallway, Frank squeaking when he felt someone tug on the back of his backpack. Though Frank could tell from its force that it wasn't Anthony or Ed, it was simply Pat's meek tugging.

His head snapped back to look at Patrick that was staring helplessly to the other side of the school hallway where Ryan's younger sister and her friend were stood talking. And Frank couldn't help but raise and eyebrow when Pat ducked his head almost dangerously fast when Amy caught his eyes.

His face was beet red as he uttered out, "Is she still looking?"

Frank waved awkwardly to Amy who looked mostly confused by Patrick's anything but stealthy aversion tactic. "Mhm."

"Damnit." Patrick hissed to himself, "... She still looking?"

Jack answered that time with a shake of his head. "Nope. She's talking to Zack now."

Patrick frowned as he looked up to where Frank had been peering, his eyes sinking when he saw the young brown haired girl talking to the overall quite decent boy. Frank had to admit he felt quite sorry for Patty. Obviously he himself didn't have a good track record with girls and boys and all those in-between, but Pat had a very, very consistent history of being shunned by the female population- especially those he wanted to court.

Of course Amy was sweet girl and did know of Patty and Frank's existence since they did hang out at Ryan's place sometimes, but even Frank had to admit lately she seemed to be blatantly avoiding Patrick. Not that the boy really noticed- Frank figured Pat couldn't really... tell the difference.

Pat sighed and nudged Frank down the hallway.

And Frank swore the school hallway must have been designed my a manic depressive. Either that or someone obsessed by grey.

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