↳ LEVEL 18.0

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for context the 'kinky jack' chapter will have a part two


"Were you fed acid as a child?"

"Most probably, yeah." Jack responded as he flicked through his dirty magazine that had a man with lingerie at the front.

"Dude, we're in public could you quit it with that thing?" Ryan asked as he scratched at his wrist, a habit he'd recently picked up for a reason quite beyond Frank.

He seemed to be back to normal for the most part, but there were these rare times where Frank would catch him looking close to tears or unreasonably uncomfortable. And yet Frank still hadn't gotten the courage to talk to him about it.

"Jacky, can you please put it away it's making me uncomfortable..." Patty said quietly, and Jack glanced up at him and reluctantly closed the magazine, tucking it back into his school bag.

See, the thing with Jack was; sure he was blunt and obnoxious at the best of times, but the second it made anyone genuinely uncomfortable he'd stop. He liked being a dork but he didn't like making others feel singled out or bad. That was another thing Frank had really come to like about Jack.

"So tell me again why we're at Token City when we should be studying?" Ryan asked, and Frank sipped on his Milkshake straw curiously as they all stared at Jack.

"Simple," He said, "Frank's husband is definitely going to show up which will allow us ample time to not only find a ship name - but more importantly; find Patty a suitable girlfriend."

"What?" Pat blushed wildly, "I-I don't want to find a random girl to date! I like—"

"—Amy. Yeah we know, kiddo," Jack rolled his eyes. "But you gotta face it; she's dating that Zack Merrick guy now. You need to move on."

Patty was silent for a moment before he whispered. "Is... Is she really dating him?"

It was quiet before Ryan let out a soft sigh, "Yeah... I'm sorry, dude. They made it official last week."

"Oh," Patrick mumbled, his eyes watering."R-Right."

"Patty," Frank said softly, reaching over to put a hand over his, "Are you oka—"

"I'm f-fine," Patrick said softly, wiping his eyes as he sniffled. "I'm not- I'm not sad... I- It's not like I've liked her since seventh grade."

"Pat," Jack said quietly, obviously now regretting his choice to tell Patrick about Amy and Zack. "C'mon, bud. Forget the plan- we can go get sushi from that place you like..."

"No." Patrick said sharply seemingly out of the blue. "I- I don't need sushi. I... I need to be skinny. I don't want m-my acne... I don't wanna be this weird— maybe then she'll—"

"Patrick, no," Ryan interrupted and moved himself to cradle a sniffling Pat to his chest. "Don't say that. There isn't anything wrong with—"

"But there is!" Patrick finally broke like a dam, people around them moving away as he started hiccuping harshly. But it wasn't like the four of them paid them any mind. "I'm not handsome-  I'm just fat."

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