↳ LEVEL 14.0

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"Jack! You're gonna burn the pancakes!" Patty cried as he rushed past Jack who was trying to balance a cereal box on his head.

"Stop worrying so much, Pat." Jack dismissed with a flail of his hand. Patrick having carefully taken the pan off of the stove. "You're almost acting as if you've never eaten my burnt food before."

Patrick's nose scrunched up, "Just because I have doesn't mean I want to."

Frank laughed as he ate a bit of their trail mix from the opposite side of the counter.

It was nearing one in the morning and the four of them were hanging out at Jack's place. They'd been playing poker, using matches instead of actual chips and money, when Jack had announced they should make pancakes. That wasn't an unusual occurrence Frank supposed, Jack was almost always suggesting either food or masturbation - and Frank was more than relieved to see it was the first of the two.

Frank had to admit that being over at Jack's place was the total shit. Jack's mother and father both worked as international bankers so they were constantly being sent on business trips, meaning the four of them often ended up sleeping weekends at a time at Jack's place. Sure, Frank had initially been pretty keen on declining the whole event after of the whole Ryan fiasco - but Ryan said he was fine, and just wanted to enjoy himself. Frank took his word for it, although Ryan did seem rather down and didn't participate like he normally did when Jack was being a dumbass. Frank really wanted to ask Ryan in depth about what had happened, but he knew from experience that asking continuous intrusive questions wasn't exactly the nicest thing in the world.

"Patty, Jack knows what he's doing, alright?" Frank finally grinned as he ate his handful of trail mix.

Jack returned his grin, "See? Thank y—"

"He's been burning our food since the fifth grade."

Jack glared at a giggling Frank, Patty finally huffing as he placed a few of the only slightly burnt pancakes on a plate.

"Jack, you're eating the burnt ones." Pat said wearily as he placed the stack in the middle between them.

"They're all fucking burnt, Pat." Jack muttered as he got out a couple of forks and knives.

Frank laughed again, finally glancing over at Ryan who seemed to be in a completely different ethereal plane from the looks of it. Frank frowned, nudging Ryan, who jolted back into reality immediately with a flinch.

"Huh?" He asked drowsily, "What happened?"

"I made a fucking masterpiece, thats what happened." Jack said, smiling down at his lumpy and burnt pancake.

Ryan glanced down at it with a scrunched up nose. "That looks fucking inedible. Can we even eat that?"

Jack scoffed loudly "Of-fucking-course we can eat that." He said as he got a large chunk of the crumbly mess onto his fork. He shoved it into his mouth, making all of them cringe.

"See?" Jack said thickly through his dry mouthful, "Fucking deli-"

Frank nearly laughed his guts out as Jack gagged and spit his chewed food out, gagging and spluttering all over the place.

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