Bakusqaud Hangout #6

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Shinsou's POV

As we finished Kami asked the time. " 2:34, why? "I'm suppose to go to Mina dorm at 3, you want to come along?" "Sure" when we finish up we start to head over to Mina's dorm. Kami knocks on the door and Mina opens it up. "Hey guys! I brought Toshi to, hopefully you don't mind." Kami says "We don't mind, BTW that painting is really good. Kirishima showed us a picture." Mina said. We looked over at Kirishima. "Sorry guys I just had to, it was so good. Mina did you know that there going to show the class tomorrow, then they're going to ask permission to put it up on the wall outside of our classroom." Kiri says.

"Really! People are going to love it." Mina says as she get an idea "Let's play truth or dare! Denki you ask first." "Ok" as we get into our circle Kami chooses Sero "Dare" "I dare you to put on a spider man costume and go do to the common room and hang from the ceiling in a spiderman pose." "K, but you guys have to come watch me and tell me when to get down." "Ok" everyone says while Sero runs to the closet. He come out having a spiderman costume on. We run to the common room. The Dekusquad was the watching us. As Sero uses his tape to do a spiderman pose Kami, Kiri ,Mina, and I start laughing. The Dekusquad looks up at Sero then starts laughing with is. After a few minuets we tell Sero to come down. "K let's continue T or D." Mina says exided. 

"Kiri, T or D" Kirishima chose Truth. "Who's your Daddy" Kirishima and Bakugo start to blush. "B-Bakubae" A few more rounds go buy and I feel someone on my shoulder hugging me. It was Kami, he started to fall asleep. We decide to watch a movie called "Shark Tale" of course they had to pick that movie because they wanted Kirishima to cheer up because of the last question in T or D. The question was "Did you ever dye your hair." About half way through the movie I noticed that Kami was cuddling me. I started to brush my hand through his hair. "So fluffy" I said to myself. I started to fall asleep cuddling Kami.

Denki's POV

I woke up cuddling Toshi in Minas room. I decided to go change without waking the Bakusquad up and make breakfast for the class. I decided that I was going the make chocolate chip pancakes. I went downstairs and started to make pancakes. I was surprised that no one lease was awake. After I made a few pancakes I hear the Dekuquad come down. "Hey guys! I made pancakes for everyone." "Thank you Kaminari" Iida said. I gave each of the two pancakes. I continue to make more. "Denki, these are so good." "Thanks Deku, there home made" "I hear him choke on him pancakes. " WAIT, REALLY" "Wow Kaminari who taught you to make these and why did you?" Iida says questioning. "Well my Mother always went out with her friends and my dad... I. Don't really remember him being in my life. Anyways I taught myself how to make them." After a few minuets it see the Bakusquad come down. I give them a couple of pancakes while Toshi just walks up to me and kisses me. I start to blush and Kiss him back. That was my first kiss, and my first kiss with him.

"Were sharing a plate" Toshi whispers in my ear. I nod and he goes sit down with the feast of the bakusquad. As the rest of the class came down I gave them there pancakes. When everyone was down and the batter was used up I came to Toshi and we both started to eat off the same place. "How are we going to show the class the painting?" I asked "Chill Azawia is my father so I can ask him." I look at him with a shocked face.


I have delivered the chapter. I plan on making the next chalet 1,000 words. So sorry if I don't do that.

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