ADHD! #12

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So.... I just found this out..... I didn't know this. Also, THAT'S WHY KAMINARI PLAYS WITH OJIRO'S TAIL!


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 Anyways, onto #12!

Kaminari POV (At school)

I sit down at may seat and pull out something to do. I usually grab some paper to draw on but today I grabbed a rubix cube. I've been getting really good at rubix cubes. I mix the cube up and start doing it. "Hey, Bro! What are you doing." I look up and see Kiri. I look at my rubix cube and start doing it again, " Nothing much" I finish the Rubix cube and mix it up again. "How can you do that? It usually takes me about an hour to do one." 

"I don't know honestly I've always had to have something to do or else my ADHD would start acting up.." "Wait- You have ADHD!" "Y-yeah" I say nervously. I hear the bell ring and I see Mr. Aizawa walk in. I continued to do my rubix cube while, all of the staff knew I had ADHD. I never told anyone because I'd always thought that they would hate me. I continued to mess around with rubix cube doing it over and over again. As I did it I thought to my self on how I needed to get a harder rubix cube. 


After school


I ran to the dorms and grabbed some money and ran to the mall. I got to the mall and looked around for any rubix cubes. I grabbed enough to get at least two. After a few minutes I found some fidgit toys I look through them and seen some rubix cubes. I would usually do 3x3's but I wanted something more challenging. I found some 9x9's and got two. I had some left over money so I got some more fidgit toys and food.

I got to the dorms and checked what time it was. "9:26" I got to my room and started to do my homework. By the time I was finished it was around 10:17. I went down to the kitchen and got a snack. I head back to my dorm and grabbed a news rubix cube to do. I mixed it up and started to do it.

Shinsou POV

Today I've been thinking, every time I see Denki he's always doing something. Does he have a condition or something? I'll ask him tomorrow, he's most likely sleep right now. I scroll through Facebook trying to find something to do for a little while before I went to bed.


At school (Sorry for so many time skips, right now my laziness is growing)


I look over to Denki's Desk and see him doing a rubix puzzle. I get up and go over to him , "Hey, Kami I have a question." "What is it?" "Why are you always doing something with your hands?" He stops doing his rubix cube looking shocked. "You don't have to answer Kami" "No No, I'll answer. I usually do something with my hands is because I have ADHD. Could you please not tell anyone" "Of course! I wound tell anyone, even if its my family!" "Thanks Toshi"

Another short one I know, I just wanted to get something out there because of school. I'm just going to warn you that I will probably be posting short chapter until school ends.

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