The Kiss

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Shinsou's pov

"Hey Shin?" I look to my left and see Kami. "Yeah, do you need something Kami?" "U-um, I have two questions." "Sure what are they" I asked "Firstly, why did we do a party." "I acually don't know, I just thought that a party would be more funner then going out to trick or treat. What's the second." "O-oh yeah." Kami paused "C-could we speak outside?" "Sure" While we were walking outside, I was wondering why he wanted to go outside.

 We got outside and we didn't speak for about 3 minutes until Kami spoke up. "S-so, I wanted to go outside to ask you something private." "What is it?" "U-uh, I-I-" He started mumbling so I couldn't hear him. "Hey Kami, could you speak louder, I can't really hear you. "I-I LIKE YOU" He turned around looking sad. I was shocked, I didn't know what to say. After 5 minutes Kami started walking off saying "I knew he didn't like me until I ran up to him and grabbed his arm. He turned around and I kissed him.

Kaminari's pov

I felt someone grab my arm so I turned around thinking it was someone else. When I turn around I seen Shin kissing me I was shocked for two seconds until I realized that he liked me to. After two minutes we went back inside. "Where were you and Shinsou?" I turn to my right and see Mina. "U-uh, we were outside." I blushed a little. "Okay~ I believe you~" I knew that she was starastic.

After the party ended, I went Shin's room because he left the party early. "H-Hey Shin" I looked down at the ground. "Yeah?" "Can we watch a movie" "Sure, let me guess, Pokemon" I looked up at him with my eyes big and open. "You know me to well."

As Shin was getting the movie ready, I was  getting snacks for us to eat. "Hey Kamibro!" I turn around to see Kirishima. "Hey Kiri! What are you doing down here?" "I could ask you the same" "I was going to get some snacks for a movie with Shin!" I feel some warmth on my cheeks. "Hey dude." "Yeah?" "Do you like him?" I feel the warmth from my cheeks spread across my face. "W-What!" "So do you like him." "U-um.. Yeah..." "Well, best of luck to you!"

Shinsou's pov

What's taking him so long. I walk down stairs to get him and I see him trying to pick some chips. "C'mon Pick one already or else I'll pick for you!" I say impatiently "Ok, ok. I get it bit I can't chose one!" "Then grab them both!" "M'kay, do you want me to grab anything else?" "No, it good." Once were in my dorm, Kami puts down the snacks beside us and we start to cuddle.

About halfway through the movie Kami is asleep. I put him on my bed so I can turn off the movie but then I feel a hand tug me to my bed. "Stay..." "But I have to- " "I don't care. Stay." "Fine" I get into bed and start to fall asleep until I feel an arm trying to cuddle me. "Can we cuddle" I hear Kami say. "Sure"

I know this is short, I kinda rushed this. I'm thinking about having two more chapters in this book then ending the book. I've been running out of ideas for this book.

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