4:52 PM - kim taeyoung [fluff]

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[ timestamp, blurb ]

[ 4:52 PM ]

each blow coming from the cool winter breeze made your body shiver. despite the multi-layer clothes you were wearing, the chilly weather still managed to find its way to crawl on your skin.

you've been standing outside your house for good minutes, struggling to find your house key. with your parents out for work, no one else would be opening the door for you. huffing, you placed your bag on the ground before checking each pocket and pouch to see if the item was there. but it wasn't.

"hey, are you okay?" a familiar voice was heard, successfully claiming your attention for a bit. you lifted your head to look at the male. it was taeyoung, the son of your neighbors. he was standing by their front door ready to enter their house.

"i can't find my key." a sad pout became visible in your lips. another gush of wind swept by and it got you trembling.

taeyoung tilted his head to the side. "is that so?" for a moment, he looked at the knob of their door then his gaze came back to you. a warm smile embracing his brim. "it's cold, come inside! you can wait for your parents there instead."

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