9.1/10//arrival :)

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"Do you remember what you did yesterday?"

(y/n)'s curious face rested on the tabletop. She stared at Aizawa as he ate cereal.
"Huh? What do yo- oooh!"
(y/n) popped her head up. She felt a stinging pain, it was guilt.
"I-I remember seeing some guy he was walking towards me and h-he was uhm..Then I attacked him but he didn't get hurt very much."
Aizawa put a hand to his neck. When she had used her quirk on him it felt like someone was trying to choke him, of course the pain wasn't that noticeable at the time (thanks to his quirk stopping the pain) but bruise marks had begun to appear around his throat.
"Some guy?" Aizawa repeated.
"Y-yeah! Anyway we're gonna be lat-"
Aizawa quickly stood up and, sluggishly, walked into the living room. His sleeping bag was on the couch just waiting to be brought to school.
"Yeah we should go..I need a nap," Aizawa grumbled.
(y/n) stood up quickly and ran after Aizawa, eager to began her 'training'.

"Just go inside kid, you'll be fine," Aizawa sighed. (y/n) fiddled with the hem of her skirt, her knees were faced towards each other giving her figure a nervous look.
"B-but what if they don't like me-" "who cares. You're here to become a hero not make friends right?" He crossed his arms and stared down at her. (y/n)'s face changed from nervous to determined.
'Yeah!! That's my main goal and that's the only thing that matters! But being friendly and looking approachable is important for becoming a hero,' (y/n) put her hands up to both of her cheeks and closed her eyes.
'But then again some heros look scary to me! Aizawa is kinda scary too,' she squirmed a little thinking about how 'scary' Aizawa was.
'Yeah! Soso scaryyy! He's got those tired eyes! Like he'll fall asleep at any moment! But just when you least expect it!! Bam!! He hits you with a scaryyy scary quirk! What even is Aizawa's quirk anyway? I wonder if he-' (y/n) was so caught up in her ramble she didn't even notice that she was now standing at the front of the classroom. Aizawa had pushed the girl all the way to the front while she was still deep in thought.
'Ah..what's my quirk even..? Now that I know I have one I've gotta give it a cool name!'
(y/n)'s hand transitioned so her chin fit perfectly in between her pointer and thumb. "(y/n)," Aizawa softly said. (y/n) quickly jumped up at the sudden call of her name. She turned to him and put a hand up.
"Oh! Hello!" She waved at him.
Aizawa shook his head at her and sighed.
"(y/n) say hi to everyone.."
"Oh? Okay!" She turned around on her heel, bending over slightly and sticking a hand out to everyone.



"she said her name was (y/n) right?" "I think? Go ask her-!" "No way! You ask her!"
The classroom was filled with murmurs as (y/n) went to sit down. She was too busy thinking of names for her quirk.
"Alright. That's enough. I'm Shota Aizawa and I will be your homeroom teacher this year," (y/n) looks up from her desk and stared at Aizawa. "Now that introductions are out of the way..Go get changed into your gym clothes and head outside."
Everyone stands up and rushes to the changing rooms. (y/n) follows behind the group.
'I don't know if I should use my quirk if it's as dangerous as Aizawa makes it sound.." (y/n) frowns to herself. 'I'm not very strong physically so I might not be any good at what we're doi-'
"Hey! You're (y/n) right?"
(y/n) looks up to see a boy with matted down black hair. At first she doesn't recognize him but soon she realizes.
"Oh! You're that boy that I uhm- Sero was it?" He smiles and nods excitedly. "I can't believe we're in the same class! That's crazy," Sero said, walking along side (y/n). "Yeah! Oh I'll be right back I've gotta get changed," she points out, running into the girl's locker room. Sero waves goodbye as she runs off.
(y/n) completely spaced out as she got changed. The other girls in the locker room were definitely interested in the small girl. The way she moved seemed so angelic and fluid. Everyone felt a bit bad about themselves seeing as they weren't 'interesting' enough for (y/n)'s taste (which was not the case at all, she just had a lot on her mind!)
(y/n) slammed her locker shut and turned around to see all of the girls staring at her. Some made it less evident while others stared her straight in the face (coughminacough) .
(y/n) gave a quick wave and smile before saying "Hello!"
Her high pitched voice made everyone tear up a bit.
'her smile is just so cute! Ah and her voice!'
'Her voice is so high and cute!' 'Wow (y/n) is adorable!'
"Hi (Y/N)!" The girls shouted, immediately crowding around the petite female. "U-uhm hello," (y/n) nervously said, she wasn't used to getting so much attention.
"You're making her nervous back up-" a black haired girl with a ponytail (Momo) attempted to say, but before she could get it out a pink skinned girl (Mina) jumped in front of (y/n) shouting "Hi!! You're just adorable!"
The locker room was filled with chatter within seconds of (y/n)'s greeting. (y/n) was in some sort of daze trying to process everything everyone was saying. "Ah..c-could we talk later?" (y/n) managed to say, her eyes turned into squiggly circles to express how confused she was.
"We have to go outside!" A brown haired girl (Uraraka) pointed out, beginning to sprint out of the door. The pink one's mouth turned into a little o as she began to remember why she was even here. Soon all of the girls had made their way out of the locker room and outside, only 2 minutes late.

2 minutes too many according to Aizawa.

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