•Into The Woods•[Ultra Magnus]

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Ultra Magnus X Submissive Male Reader
Image Source: Google

When the big blue bot joined team Prime it seems to have taken a toll on everyone. A bad tole.
Well, they are just insane, ultra Magnus was easily the most attractive mech I had ever laid my optics on. I would do anything he deemed worthy of me, So I didn't mind his strict behavior. I thought it was quite sexy in a way, ordering everyone around got me riled up, embarrassingly my fans would turn on whenever he would get angry, frag he was hot.

I strode into base casually, I had taken a drive to let out some steam. I didn't think anything of it, just a little drive around couldn't hurt?

"[Y/N] where have you been?" I jumped as Ultra Magnus's voice rung into my audio receptors. I turned towards him, I towered over him so he had to look up to meet my optics with a glare.

"I took a drive, commander, uh sir." I awkwardly put a servo behind my helm, looking bashful.

"And did I give you permission soldier?"
I tensed, I hadn't thought to ask anyone.  "W-well no s-sir, I didn't think to do so.. " damn me for stuttering! He frowned and looked me up and down.

"Well if you're so willing to jump on an opportunity to leave the base, accompany me to an Energon mine. We need to collect as much energon as we can." without letting me answer,
He turned and told ratchet to bridge us to the abandoned mine.

As he was turned away, I couldn't help but look at that sweet aft. It looked so plump, oh how I wished to grab a servo full.
The ground bridge suddenly opened pulling Me away from my lewd thoughts. Ultra Magnus glanced towards me silently telling me to follow.
I stumbled over to him like an idiot and we walked threw the bridge, once we had crossed it seemed we were in a heavily wooded area, Most likely a forest. There was organic vegetation everywhere.

Ultra Magnus had an energon tracker in servo, "This way."

I walked alongside him, fidgeting. He glanced at me and rose an optic ridge.

"... Are you feeling well soldier?"

I frantically waved my servos in front of my faceplate. "No, No! I'm fine really..." I shoved my servos to my sides, looking away from the commander.

He merely hummed and sped up his walk. Now, look at what you've done [Y/N]! Scaring him off like your some kind of scraplet! I balled my servos into fists and stepped forward behind Ultra Magnus. My Pede Caught onto a Vine that was hanging from a nearby tree, To prevent myself from falling I reached out my servos hanging onto the first supporter I could find.

I heard a Deep yelp as I took the said supporter down with me. Oh, slag! I landed on Ultra Magnus! We hit the ground pretty hard making the earth beneath us quiver.

'C-commander! I-im so s-sorry!!' is what I tried to say, but all that came out was a little 'eep'. My stomach was pressed into Ultra Magnus Back, Our legs entangled, My crotch plate... Rubbing on his... Aft.

"W.. What is the meaning of this [Y/N]?!"  Ultra Magnus tried to pull himself from underneath me. My servo clamped down on his waist.

Ultra Magnus looked back at me eyed wide with bewilderment.

"What.. What are you doing?" Hell, even I didn't know what I was doing!

"I.. I don't know commander.." I exhaled softly tightening my grip on his hips.
Ultra Magnus Began to Struggle, unknowingly Wiggling his aft against my Crotch plating.

My body began to heat up tremendously. If he doesn't stop doing that I'm going to-

My panel opened with an audible 'click'
The world froze around us. Ultra Magnum Gasped as he felt my engorged spike resting against his aft.

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