•Fresh Meat• [Predaking Part One]

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Predaking X Dominant Male Reader
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-Fluff/Mentions Of Sex-

I tapped my talons on the cold berth which I was laying on lazily, I heard some commotion coming from the Throne Room but I didn't really care, All I wanted to do was relax.

I let out a dramatic sigh shifting to my side. I fiddled with my Sharp Talons,  Bored.

** [Y/N], sir, you are needed in the throne room.** 

I heard a random vehicons voice ring threw my receptors.

"Finally something to do." I stood up, slouching slightly, and made my way to the throne room.

I entered Sliding open doors to the throne room,  I only got half of what shockwave was currently saying.

"-The Autobot Hunter."

What I saw was a huge predacon, once I entered the beast immediately turned to face me. I ignored the intense stare and leaned against a close pillar giving a bored look towards my master, who was fawning over the Dragon.

I shifted my gaze towards the predacon. Well, I can't say It's not impressive.
I Yawned grimly, crossing my arms over my chassis.

The predacon was still staring at me intensely, perhaps seeing me as a possible meal.
I stared back just as firmly A blank look over my Faceplates. It just wouldn't look away! Ugh... Well, I have all day so I'll just stare back.

Megatron was talking about an Autobot or something like that. To be honest, I'm completely neutral about this war, I just say I'm a Decepticon because well why not? Where else would I get a nice place to sleep. Ah yes, my nice cold berth.

"Ah! [Y/N] so nice of you to join us... " Megatron finally acknowledge my presence. I pull away from the Predacons stare and look at my lord.

"Yes, of course, Shockwave what a magnificent beast you have birthed."
I compliment the scientist hoping to get a reaction out of him.

"Yes, a magnificent specimen indeed," Shockwave spoke without a hint of emotion.

Damn not even a 'thank you [Y/N]'. I've always tried to get an emotion out of him, Well since his return that is.

"[Y/N] come and welcome the beast." Megatron beckoned me over with a wave of his hand.
I approached the beast and stared into its golden optics. I reached out my servo not completely touching it, The beast all to willingly shoved its face into my chassis and let out a ground rumbling purr.
"Er... Uh.. huh?" I was shocked, to say the least, should I move away or shove it away? No. Nope. No way. Im Not gonna risk getting eaten.

The beast inhaled my scent deeply it's optics flickering a few times. I reluctantly pulled away from the beast. I could have sworn I saw the disappointment in its optics but I ignored it.

I turned towards shockwave giving a questioning look, But he did not speak.

"Uhm... Uh... Well if you do not mind... My Lord, I will take my leave." I was starting to feel uncomfortable so I turned and started walking to the exit, As I was taking my leave I heard the predacon let out a quiet whimper. I glanced back curiously and was shocked to see it was still staring at me... What the frag...
I sped up my stride and quickly left the room quite disturbed.

"How odd... Maybe the light was reflecting off of my armor? Yeah, that's it...." I shrugged and made my way to my room.

                     ~Time Skip~

It's been a couple of days since the predacon had revealed it had a bipedal mode. I wasn't there when it happened so I don't know what it looks like, curiosity took the better of me and I decided to go meet it.

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