•Quiet Ones• [Soundwave Part One]

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Soundwave X Dominant Mech Vehicon Reader
Image Source: Google
Requested by: Alpha-Detroit
Warnings: -Assault/Slightly explicit-

The halls of the infamous nemesis were dark and gloomy as I gaurded the energon storage unit. I stood stiff and made no sound at all. Us vehicon troopers had to be pitch perfict in performance if we wanted to survive. Commanders on the nemesis treated us as though we were living punching bags if we made a simple mistake. I restrained a sigh and stood a bit straighter. Soon after an internal alarm went off in my processor, signaling the end of my gaurding shift. Next up was patrol which I found enjoyable, Anything was better than having to stare at the same dark purple walls of the nemesis. I let out a satisfied hum and made my way towards the flight deck. I would find that i wouldnt make it to the flight deck at all. I let out a gasp as I was pulled into a dark room. Something slid over my arms and legs, restraining them, a visor emerging from the darkness. Soundwave? What did he want? Was I in some sort of trouble? Many questions were rolling around in my helm.
Soundwave lifted up a long dark servo and rested it on the side of my faceplate. I flinched away and his servo lay still, Did I upset him in some way? Soundwave put down his rejected servo and tightened the grip of his tendrils on my limbs. I winced "Commander Soundwave...?" I tried to question his actions before I was roughly thrown down from his grasp. "Ah!" I shouted as I landed on my arm, It made a crunch noise. Not a word was said as he stood silently watching my form weakly pull myself up on to my knees.

I noticed one of his servos twitching slightly as if he wanted to do something, Instead he made a fist and simply left the dark room. I sit on my knees relaying what had just happened. Why did Soundwave attack me? Did I do something wrong?

I shook my helm and stood up, I held my injured arm as I walked out of the room I was attacked in.
Nothing could have prepared me for that. I have been very obedient and served my lord and commanders as a vehicon trooper should. So why did Soundwave attack me? No point in questioning it, It wasn't uncommon for commanders to attack unprovoked.

Knockout will not be pleased to have to repair me. I check the time. 5:23 pm. Scrap. This was knockouts buffing time! Now he will really be displeased! I almost considered letting my self repair handle my injury, But as I tried to lower my arm a strong wave of pain came from it. I definitely needed a real medic. I clutched my injury as I made my way to the medbay.

~~~~~~~~~~~Time skip~~~~~~~~~~~~

Knockout had repaired me with only a touch of sass before I was escorted out with my arm in a metal cast, it seems Soundwave had broken my poor arm.

Now how am I supposed to patrol? There is no way I can transform in this condition. But I can't skip either. Oh Primus. That means I had to speak to the communications officer. Who just happened to be my attacker not long ago! Primus why do you hate me?! Oh right. We are trying to take over a planet. Anyway.

I fidgeted and played with the seams of my cast as I slowly strolled over to Soundwave current post. (The communications room)
It was silent on this sector of the ship which was fitting for the mech who inhabited it.

As I begun to get closer to the communications room my audio receptors picked up a strange sound. It almost sounded like screeching metal. It made me very uneasy. However I still needed to get to Soundwave. I walked towards the communications room doors and the sound began to increase. I decided to ignore it and opened the communications rooms door.





I almost blew a gasket at the sight that was placed in front of me.
It was Soundwave that had his back against the wall of the room and his long pedes were stretched out infront of him, slightly spread.
One of his servos was desperately trying to grip the cold floor which made a screeching noise.

Wile his other servo was buried deep in between his thighs, his index and middle digit were pumping inside his dark blue valve while his thumb worked his brightly colored purple interior node. He made no sounds but his helm was lifted up slightly, his chest was bare, no lazerbeak in sight. And he was inventing deeply.
I froze in place. I couldn't take my optics away from the strange but somehow arousing sight...

He hadn't noticed me yet so I dived down behind a desk with a large digital screen on it. I tried to be as quiet as I could but when I pressed my back onto the back of the desk a small object rolled of the edge off the desk and hit the ground with a small 'ping'. Soundwave immediately froze.
I was currently suffering from a spark attack as I clutched my chest with my uninjured servo. I heard Soundwave close his panel and the small sound of him unleashing his data feelers. They slithered all over the room inching closer to my position. I caved into myself, squeezing my legs together.

The data feelers came around both sides of the desk slowly slithering towards my form. This is it. Ill be offlined for this. Then the sound of a incoming call came from one of Soundwaves servalince screens. Lord Megtrons voice came through requesting Soundwave to the throne room.

Soundwave data feelers instantly retracted back to him and he reluctantly turned away from my position. Then I heard The sound of him leaving the room. And then he was gone.

I survived?

I had just caught Soundwave servicing himself and somehow survived?!
I scrambled out of the room practicaly running towards the barracks, I entered my room and flopped down onto my berth. I still couldn't believe that, that had just happened! I was so lucky that I wasn't offline.
Although somehow I felt that this wasn't the last time I would have a strange encounter with the silent mech.

Part 1 of Soundwave X Dominant vehicon reader! Sorry if it's short but the second chapter will surely make up for it ;)

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