Chapter Fifteen: Girl Friends

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He chose me.

I gave him the perfect opportunity to walk away and get his fix from someone, anyone else, but he came and found me. It's honestly what gave me courage to do what I did. My cheeks flush with the thought and I bury my tingling hands into my pockets.

They've been feeling like this ever since, like they're empowered from being able to handle my man-whore. I shiver in memory of how his muscles rippled and my stomach clenches when the sounds he was making continue echoing like song lyrics stuck in my head for the duration of the school day.

"Where did you disappear to?" Brielle asks, crossing her arms and tapping her fingers as she waits for me to grab my dance bag.

Should I tell her? She's been so accepting of my relationship with Cameron but this might change her mind. Purity is something we both value even though mine is dwindling. How would she feel if I told her I don't mind doing other things as long as it's not sex? It's honestly been quite a surprise to me but with Cameron it just feels so natural to give in.

I like the things he does and I like getting reactions out of him even more.

Is that wrong?

"Cameron came to talk with me," I mumble. "We handled things and decided not to break up."

She tilts her head to a side and I think she's about to pry until she yawns and shrugs her shoulders instead.

"Oh, that's good. I'm glad you two worked things out," she grins. "I ended up sitting with Cody when you didn't seem like you were coming back."

Ah ha! No wonder she didn't track me down.

"Just Cody?" I grin, bouncing my eyebrows.

She rolls her eyes and pulls her beautiful mane of curls into a tight bun as we walk to the auditorium for practice.

"No, he was with the other man-whores as usual." I nudge her with my elbow and she giggles. "And I got to sit next to Dylan," she adds.


"You two have been getting really comfortable around each other. The festival was basically a first date," I gush, and her eyes widen as she shushes me and glances around in case anyone in the hallways hears.

Luckily, everyone is minding their own business and are on their way to sport practices and clubs.

"It was not a date," she scowls. "We just ended up alone for a little while. Besides, nothing happened and the other man-whores found us before the fireworks went off," she whispers.

Her cinnamon skin appears to be reddening with every word which makes me giggle.

"I'm pretty sure he won you a stuffed animal."

"Yeah, but that doesn't mean--" her words fall short as we turn down a hallway with vending machines in time to watch as Dylan and another girl consume each other's faces.

Brielle and I abruptly freeze in our steps from surprise. For the record, he is on the market and still a man-whore, but-- Brielle.

Should I kick his ass?

Glancing over at her, I catch the way she is biting her lips in an attempt to fight off the tears rising in her soft, brown eyes. He is dressed in his soccer uniform, but isn't allowing that to stop the girl from feeling up his shirt or prevent him from sneaking his hands up her skirt as they make out.

"Let's just go--" I begin to suggest, knowing Brielle would kill me for making a scene of this, but then Patrick and Jack come from the opposite end of the hall.

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