Chapter 5

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Song: Changes

Artist: DeJ Loaf

Chapter 5

Octavia looked over her team, satisfied she got who she wanted, apart from Wahid. The Egyptian folk gave Frederic the thumbs up before he joined his team. Octavia chose people she met and others she wanted to know. Boden's seriousness and tallness lured him. Zuri had a sense of attitude that Octavia liked. Octavia only chose Nina as a reminder for her t-shirt which hasn't returned, therefore, no story to be told.

As Sasha's main priority was Tyson and Reagan, so was it Octavia's, but according to Frederic, Sasha had a sharp eye, so Octavia had to confuse her. When she'd forgotten about the two boys, Octavia plucked them out like two feathers.

Then there was Frederic Stark, her first acquaintance at Vega Front High. Octavia had the feeling that he hated sports, but it was the only way for him to get noticed by Cressida Perkins, being on the winning team.

'Why'd you choose those two?' Reagan gestured at Tyson and Boden. 'I'm fine with Zuri but I don—'

'Why not, Reagan?'

Reagan didn't respond and backed away. Octavia took the centre with Sasha opposite her. Earlier when Ms Edwards chose Sasha, Octavia couldn't help but wonder why. One glance at her muscular calves and an hourglass figure told Octavia that Sasha did something physical.

Ms Edwards blew the whistle and tossed up the ball. For once Octavia was glad for her height that got her to the ball first when she jumped. She tapped the ball and thankfully Frederic was awake to catch it.

'Dribble!' Octavia tried to run toward Frederic, but Wyatt and Lochlan circled him.

'Frederic!' Reagan called out.

 Frederic stopped and hesitated with his eyes set on Reagan. Octavia waved to snap him out of his gaze. It worked, but he threw it too high and went over her head. She expected it to be out, but Boden was merely a few steps behind her and caught it. He dribbled it closer to their hoop and passed it to Tyson, who scored moments later. She should be happy but hoped the entire game would not be like this.

'Good job,' she told Frederic, who shrugged. He tapped out along with Boden, so Zuri and Nina took their places. 

When the whistle went off this time, Frederic threw in the ball. Octavia got a hold of it and dribbled. Reagan was the closest to the hoop. He caught the ball with ease. When he turned and threw it, Wyatt intercepted it before it got in the hoop. He dribbled, then passed to Teresa. Lochlan was by her side, and Octavia took it as a chance to step in. She slid between them, and they locked eyes. Lochlan grinned and dropped his arms. Octavia stopped when he did, only to realise that Teresa ran off and scored.

As the game continued, everyone finally warmed up to each other. Frederic didn't and kept his distance, especially from Reagan or Tyson. Octavia noticed that whenever she had the ball, Boden was behind her while Tyson was not far ahead.

Nina paled when she had the ball. Octavia called for her, but that only made her flinch. They locked eyes, and Nina threw with no aim. Octavia had her eyes on the ball and leapt to get it. Her fingertips scrapped the ball, and she would have it if she hadn't fallen. The fall wasn't bad, but the body of the other person on top of her made her groan. Boden pushed himself up and offered her his hand.

'What's your problem dude?' Octavia stared up at him. 'Ever heard of personal space? The entire game you've been up my asshole.'

Boden stepped back but didn't stop his stare on her. She winced and stretched her foot and cradled it. Everyone gathered around them with Ms Edwards between Octavia and Boden.

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