38. When Worlds Collide

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Maverick's Point of View

The music blasted in my ears making it hard to even hear my own fucking thoughts. My house was dark as the only light came from strobe of greens blues and reds, laser lights jumping on all of the dancing bodies who swayed like liquid amongst each other as some intertwined.

Girls dancing with guys as they all had a cup of something in their hands, the heat coming from the crowed was making me begin to sweat as the bass dropped from the classic and iconic song "Electricity" by Mk & Lee Foss featuring Anabel.

I quickly dodged a drunk girl from almost accidentally bumping into me as she was about to make her way across the foyer to yell at a boy who was kissing another girl,

She almost fell over and then I caught her arm holding her up. Her blonde hair hang in her face and then she quickly twisted her neck to see who was holding her up.

"Maverick." She smiled a sigh of relief. I have no fucking clue who this girl was she had probably gone to my school.

I pressed my brows together and then asked "you okay?" As she nodded "yeah!" She was clearly really drunk as the boy who was kissing another girl came storming over to us, I caught sight of him in the corner of my eye "Thanks." She was grateful for my help as she stared into my eyes.

Girl please don't fucking stare into my eyes so lovingly my girlfriend will kill you.

"Hey, Karissa. I got you." Said Mr. Player and then he took her arm and flung it over his shoulder to assist her and carry her over to the couch.

"No." She yelled but he ignored her.

And then I pulled her back and stepped forward getting in his face my manliness and ego was on high levels "Yo, she's really fucking drunk man, where are her friends?" I glared at him.

I got bad vibes from him and I wasn't going to let this vulnerable drunk female leave with him.

"They're around," he shrugged "now can I have my girlfriend?" He was trying to be macho,

Fucking idiot.

"She clearly doesn't want to go anywhere with you." I tilted my head to the side scrunching up my eyes "and if she wants to stay with me until she finds her friends I'm cool with that." I nodded.

"Rissa!" I heard a voice coming from behind me and then I felt a hand on my shoulder, I glanced to see a brunette girl who looked very sober.

I shrugged my shoulder to push her hand off.

The fuck? don't touch me, only Rhy can touch me.

She looked at me as if she was insulted, I didn't give a fuck. I'm not about to disrespect my girl for anyone.

"Maverick that's my sister!" she said shouting over the music. Why the fuck do all these people I don't know, know me.

"You should take her home! She's fucking drunk..." I said handing her over "and keep her away from this idiot, he doesn't seem trustworthy, also he's cheating on her." I said bluntly as Mr. Macho Player just stood there cleaning his teeth with his tongue.

The fuck was he going to do? Hit me.
I would love to see him try.

"Thanks." The sister said as I nodded acknowledging her and then walked away. I spotted Nixon at the door talking to some couple as they laughed,

Looks like they had just gotten here.

I pushed through the crowd and then got closer to him. I took his glass of Gin from his hand and then took a sip as he glanced at me after laughing at something the guy had just said.

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