Chilling and Nerves

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James' POV

Cody and I are walking home in late afternoon sun, our hands are swinging between the two of us as we make our way down the street. School has be obnoxious and irritating today, the paranoia leaking into every activity even if I'm not the one who's being targeted.

I kept entering Cody's kind throughout the day to check on him and make sure he was okay. But after the fifth time he shut me out and refused to let me in claiming that I was being overbearing and his own anxiety is enough to deal with. I'm trying to reign in my over protective nature but it's hard with Cody being so small and almost never in my sight for longer than a few minutes.

'If you keep crowding him, he's going to start pulling away from you. Holding on tighter only lets someone slip away easier. Let the bean breathe.' Sloan says and I sigh knowing he's right.

"What are you thinking so hard about over there." Cody asks me and I think about telling him, but as I said, I'm working on it.

"I'm trying to figure out what we can do tonight besides work on homework." I tell him and he cringes.

"Well tonight there is no besides, I have to catch up to the rest of the class and do the homework I got today." He tells me and the sigh that he lets out is full of exhaustion. I know for a fact that Cody didn't sleep last night, his tossing and turning the thing that repeatedly woke me up in the early morning hours.

"Do you want to take a nap, maybe?" I ask, not wanting him to think I'm smothering him, but also needing to remind him that it's okay to take care of himself but of course he shakes his head.

"I think I'm going to give the reigns over to Jessie tonight so I can rest. He paid more attention in class today than I did so he should be able to handle it." He reasons and I begin nodding my head until I freeze as I remember what happened yesterday with Jessie around and I immediately begin sweating in nerves.

"Uh...." I stutter, unsure how I object Cody's decision without embarrassing myself by tipping off why. "Are you sure? I mean we can just go to sleep for the night and wake up early." I tell him and he scrunches up his face a bit in contemplation before shaking his head.

     "No that won't work for me, I'll just wake up grumpy and needy." He tells me as we turn on to the last street to head home. I let Alex drive home today, his sister had a female emergency and needed to get back to their house quick. I didn't mind, I always love walking with Cody and just spending uninterrupted time together.

       We make our way on to our property and head into the kitchen to grab a snack while my mind is going haywire.

      'I'm going to fucking die.' I tell Sloan and he snickers at me, completely amused by my nerves.

      'I think it's cute that Jessie gets you all flustered.' He tells me and I growl at him, which only makes him laugh more before he settles down. Cody comes to sit across from me and sets down a napkin full of chips for us to share.

      "How was class?" I ask the bean trying to distract myself from the wayward thoughts that are entering my mind. Like the way Jessie's wolf gleamed in the sun and the way he winked at me yesterday. I start in surprise when I feel my cock begin to get hard on my thigh within my jeans, especially when thinking about Jessie asserting his dominance... over me.

"It was okay." Cody starts and I blush slightly when I realize I forgot I asked him a question. "Best class was Species Religion. Mr. Cedric is such a down to earth teacher."

I nod my agreement as I begin to munch on the chips in front of my turning all my attention to Cody. "I remember taking him last year. He was always the best person to talk to about anything. Good vibes only is the best mantra ever." I tell him and he hums his agreement. It's not long before our napkin is clear and thrown away and I basically have to carry Cody up the stairs to my room.

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