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Comments are always appreciated.

Percy's POV:

He looked frustrated, so i passed him my soccer ball.

"The air is no fun, try the ball it's better." Woah good going Jackson.

He looked at the ball and finally passed it to me. Gosh he looked so... well intimidating . I mean He wore black top with a white skull on it, and black jeans, with black coat on top. But the thing that caught my eye was, his messed up black raven hair, and chocolate warm eyes.

When he passed me the ball, we kinda started playing and i gotta say, he is good. I mean the way he managed to drag the ball from my feet and he is tiny, not that much though, but he turned that to an advantage,he would so swiftly snatch the ball and run away with it. 

If i managed to get this guy in the team, we would be perfect. Then after 10 mins of snatching and drooling, he suddenly stopped and bended to his knees. He was in pain.

"Hey you alright?" I asked, making it up to him.  

"It's nothing." He said getting up, and walking towards the lake. Wait, why is this guy not in the canteen and having his lunch. I was here because I was doing the soccer practise. 

I went to him and sat beside him. Then he started to stare the canteen doors, through the window I saw he was looking at that bastard Octavian Then only I noticed that his lip started to bleed, I tried to reach out for it but he took care of it. Octavian has done this to him, can that guy just not be a slinthead for once !

A thought struck me,

"Hey i can help you with that dickhead if you want." I said pointing to the blond.

"No need, I don't want you to go and punch him and pretend to owe something to me." He said looking away.

Ouch, okay that was a spot on. 

"Look I am not gonna do any thing like that, it's just that last year I saw him hurt his stomach and right shoulder when he dumbfoundedly jumped from the highest board in the swim pool for some kind of dare given to him by his friend, I shouldn't be seeing all that but I was there after hours 'cause I love swimming and I used that an advantage, you can too" I said. He looked at me with a confused frown on his beautiful eye---woah where did that came from. The frown just got more deep so i explained.

"You know, when he comes to you alone, one punched in the stomach and bang on the shoulder and punch in nose and the bastard will fly away." I said acting like a fly myself, with the gesture of hands, when I looked at him I already felt my face heat up and looked down embarrassed. 

"I know that, the thing which confuses me is why are you helping me? I mean you don't even know my name."he said

"Not a big of a deal you know? I mean I don't YET. and something tells me I would like helping you" I said with heart eyes. I know, I know but i don't understand something about him hold's me on.

"Name is Percy by the way." I said offering my hand to him. But I know he is not going to take it.

"Nico, Nico di anglo" he said surprisingly shaking my hand. I grinned, progress percy, we are making progress.

Nico's POV:

I took his hand, which surprised me. Then he gave me one of his sarcastic grins. Goddammit this boy!

Then the bell rang, and I quickly got up "See you around" I said running away I wanted to stay some more but I know He won't be wanting to hang around when he would find about my nature. So I ran away leaving his hand in mid air.

I then made it to my class, later realising that I didn't know where it was. I sighed.Then I felt someone's hand on my shoulder  and I turned, there he was grinning.

"Want any help Neeks?" he said

"Don't call me that!" I said shrugging him away. Before he can say anything a girl pinned him to the nearest locker and started kissing him.

I felt a volcano of jealousy ERUPT in me.



love you guys and gals

I will post tomorrow too so just keep up.

And also I will appreciate comments as it builds interaction.


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