Fake Smile

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Percy's POV:

I read the notice, which was kinda hard, all hands down to my dyslexia. but i managed to make out the important question, who will I ask to stay with me ? no, not that. How will i ever manage to get Gabe sign this......this will get dirty at home, can i even call it my home. I squinted my eyes on that thought. Then looked over who was looking at me..nico. i didn't break the eye contact but when piper smiled at me I had to look at her. Her pink streks falling in perfect curles but I was never attracted to her, but i did loved her, like a brother. She was smilling at me and I knew why. She was going to ask Jason. What i actually was thinking was that will the teacher allow them to be in the same room, taking they both are strait.... but i know she will manage, she always did. I rolled my eyes on that thought.

The rest of the day flew by as i saw the new boy stealing glances on me, not that i din't like it. alright fine I was also stealing glancing on him, but when ever he did I wanted to ask, please inform me before you turned those eyes on me i want to be prepared to give a speech before I  die looking in  those gorgeous beings. I managed to make him blush one time which was a score for me because he was getting away making me a blushy and nervous mess and I am never nervous, nope, never,scared? yes , but nervous? nope, I mean better be oops then what if.

 ----time skip to home/apartment---

I stood there fidgeting with my keys and  wondering what would will happen, I closed my eyes, I knew Gabe was not home at that time, he is only there at breakfast and evening not at noon and night, but on Saturdays he was always there. But the hallway always reminds me of my worst days.....

I stepped in and rushed to my room and stripped down and went to take a shower.

I stepped in the shower not waiting for it to get warm, most of the times it calmed me but as the wound was fresh in my heart it chose to be otherwise, it remained me of the events of last Saturday.

--flashback to Saturday--

(WARNING: abuse  and sensitive use of language)

"Comedown here you faggot!!" he yelled. "COME NOW!!!"

I knew what he wanted so I slipped in the kitchen to get some beer. He kept yelling things which I neglected. "Here you go." I said and passed him his  drink and turned  to go to my room. "Whoa what do you think you brought me huh?" 

I turned around only to get a beer bottle smashed on my arm.                                                               "Ow!!"                                                                                                                                                                                "Did that hurt! Guess what else hurts? When you don't give me my CHILLED beer you faggot!!"      I flinched, but I was fed up with all this so I returned him a glare, and soon realized that it was a huge mistake....

"Look WHO is eyeing me!" he took a wooden leg of the broken chair which  he broke when he once threw it on my back.                                                                                                                                    "aaahhh....." I yelled in pain as he hit me on my back at the old wound. "6 years was your age you pathetic kid! "  one more hit                                                                                                                                   "AH!" "your mom had no where to go I of all the people  I, helped her and took the responsibility of you!" one more..

PERCICO (High-School AU)Where stories live. Discover now