Seeeee I knew you know nothing about my life, welcome to the club

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"Well I know all about your life..." Luke said
Well that got my attention, my head jerked towards him and I wanted to ask what he meant by that but he answered the unasked question himself.
"I mean about your school I thought the personal should be kept personal, so" he said turning entirely towards me "turns out you are quite a deal in your school, the boy who saved the school from mass social humiliation, a polite and kind guy who hasn't let a single guy or gal touch him, so practically you are a happy smiely giggly single who is just choosy to mingle."

yep he knows nothing about me "I don't know about smiley and all but I am sure choosy" I said grinning,  "Says the guy who has the biggest grin on his face" and there goes my smile.

God one guy makes me smile and other taunts me about it...heavy world I am telling ya

He scooted near me and I got my legs to my chin and hugged them, "So you dig blonds?" he said not really looking at me. "I do but not just you" I said and winked at him.
He shook his head and turned towards the sea, "the view is beautiful you know, your know what else is beautiful?"
Yeah yeah....he dam well is.
I could tell where this was going, I may be stupid but I  wasn't born yesterday.
"Me, I am beautiful" with that said I got reay leave but surely seeing the look on his face.
As I turned around but he cought my wrist.
"I know you are, so beautiful wanna go out sometime?"
Smooooth smooth real smooth...
"Uh I will think about it" I said and tried to yank my wrist from him,
Why tried? Because he just pulled me!
And it resulted in smash of our lips...
Seeee that is a real cliffhanger....
Don't worry that is just prep real stuff is up ahead.

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