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Percy's POV:

I turned towards the door but he grabbed my hand.

"Percy I don't know what is going inside your head, I don't have any idea how much it hurts. But whatever it is I know one thing that you are hurting badly, and the only thing that will make it worse is keeping it inside, I am here, right now is the moment get is out, all of it" He said.

All of it? that is too much, "Nic-o I no-o i" he sat on the bed slowly pulling me beside him, "Nico I"

"Percy just start with the starting"

Nico's POV:

He has to tell me, keeping it is taking too much from him, I know how talking ONLY to yourself feels like, but he won't go through it, 

not alone at least.

He sat there, looking down, eyes flickering to find something which wasn't there. I lifted his chin up "Trust issues?" I said

He chuckled, looked up and said "I don't have 'trust-issues' Nico, I have 'seen-this-and-know-how-it-ends-issues', I have tried to open up, many times either got slapped or snapped at" he looked right in my eyes, those beautiful orbs were now dipped in red, those lips now scared, that heart now broken. "You said start from the starting, you'll be surprised, it started way before I was even born, my dad left my mom when he found out about me, he left her standing with a child, destroyed everything they had, but that's not what I think was bad, the bad part? it was my mom, the women who deserves the world the one dam person who actually cares, that one person has suffered too much all because of me."

Tears where escaping his eyes, but he wasn't sobbing not even sniffing like he has cried in silence for so long that he has now forgotten how to deal with the tears. 

"My step-father Gabe he doesn't even have to do anything with me, he doesn't give a shit, I know why he is calling me he just misses beating the hell out of me" he grabbed my and squeezed it slowly looking down at it tears started falling on our joined hands, I too could feel my eyes sting. "The scars? hurt, the wood? hurts, all those slaps? hurts but the words...Nico" he shook his head "The words don't h-ur-t " he choked "they kill".

"Because I know they all are correct, the words they all mean the reality." 

"What reality?" 

"When I came out to my mom, she accepted me but her family didn't, they threw me out, my mom came with me, she left everything and came with me Nico, all her hopes all her dreams to be shed on a smelly husband and an unwanted child." I held his face with both of my hands, "You are not unwanted Percy, you are far away from it." 

"No Nico, the one thing I asked my grandfather before he kicked me out, threw his own daughter was, What did I do wrong?, What did my mom do to deserve this?, What was my mistake?, he turned to me, grabbed my hand and said 'her only mistake was giving birth to you and your only fault is that you are an abomination' but I tried, I did Nico every day I woke with one thought, today i'll end it, all of it. My mind screaming to end the pain, begging to make it go away, but my heart slowly whispering mom will cry." 

"And I have made her cry enough but she is smiling now, she is happy far away from me but happy. I know she cares but making me smile was taking too much, now it's her turn to smile" he said and just like that I saw every last emotion leave him, his eyes now empty.

"But this? this is not the worst, the worst is that the walls I have build around my heart that big, thick, long barrier? When it will fall, it will take everything within, the mask I carry which tells everyone that I am okay, that fake smile? they all hide nothing, behind that wall is just a big black endless void, a black hole sucking my life bit by bit, piece by piece"


What do I do? What do I say after that?




That's right I don't.

I do the one thing I've been waiting to do since I first saw him, the one thing that will hold the key to what this beautiful damaged man needs,  

I kissed him, with all I had,

with all passion, our lips smashed, moving like electricity. Burning like fire of desire, he kissed back with need, a need he was dying to have, a need I was dying to give.

I love him, Oh so much. 

And all this has just made it more deep, more true.

We pulled back for air, our foreheads touching.

The one good thing is that I know he is very gay and very


Percico kisssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Soooo.......how is this one on a scale of one to ten guys?

Next chapter tomorrow.


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